Fine sediment transport
Fines Till derived soils (e.g., Clarion) ~ 45-70% fines Alluvial soils (e.g., Coland) 65-80% fines Loess-derived soils ~ > 80% fines
Sources of fines Upland sheet and rill erosion Gullies, tributaries Banks (alluvial storage)
Suspended sediment Measured from water- column samples Commonly quantified in g/L (mass sediment per volume water)
Forces & phenomena in transport of fines Gravitational settling: fines satisfy classical Stokes law (Fickian) diffusion: transport down gradients in concentration Advection: transport with flow Turbulent mixing: vertical and transverse transport in eddies Dispersion (~advection + mixing)
Suspended sediment
Rouse diagram
Sediment load regimes What proportion of a stream’s sediment load is transported as suspended (+wash) load versus bedload?
Suspended sediment
What is the relationship between supply and capacity for suspended load?
Mechanism of supply limitation Leads to clockwise hysteresis