Systems Level Demo P15010: Arc Wheelchair Swing
Maggie Bates BS/ME Industrial & Systems Engineering Owen Breese BS Mechanical Engineering Elizabeth Cutolo BS Mechanical Engineering Sean Kennelly BS Mechanical Engineering
Problem Statement Our team has been tasked with developing and implementing a mechanism that allows individuals in wheelchairs to experience the sensory stimulation one gets from swinging without exiting their standard or powered wheelchairs for under $2,500 by May Primary Customer: Arc of Monroe Day Services Primary Sponsor: Dr. Dan Phillips, BME
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Actual Versus Expected, Modifications
High Level Customer Requirements Minimize d System Weight Capacity Speed will remain safe for participant System needs to be collapsible and transportable SWING GROUND d = Wheelchair Weight + Participant Weight
Engineering Requirements
Concept Summary
DESIGN SUMMARY Subsystems and Testing Results
Bottom Weldments/Legs 1,2,5-8, Specification Expected (in.) Actual (in.) Beam 1 Deflection Center point load of 404lbs ” Beam 2 Deflection Center point load of 404lbs ” Beam 13 Deflection Center point load of 50lbs. 0.5 <1 with 500lbs Beam 14 Deflection Center point load of 50lbs. 0.5 <1 with 500lbs Beam 5/6 Deflection Center point load of 404lbs on Beam ~ 0” Beam 7/8 Deflection Center point load of 404lbs on Beam ~ 0” Custom Weldments Allow for Assembly and Disassembly. Beams Slide into Weldments and Pinned Connections Transfers Shear Force and Prevents Translational Movement of Received Beams. ACTUAL VS. EXPECTED NOTABLE DESIGN MODIFCATIONS
Top Weldment/Legs 9-12 ACTUAL VS. EXPECTED NOTABLE DESIGN MODIFCATIONS Specification Expected (in.) Actual (in.) Beam 9-12 Deflection 514lb load in Top Weldment. <0.5 ~ 0” Beam 10 Deflection 514lb load in Top Weldment. <0.5~ 0” Beam 11 Deflection 514lb load in Top Weldment. <0.5~ 0” Beam 12 Deflection 514lb load in Top Weldment. <0.5~ 0” Top Weldment Build Plugged Hole for Universal Joint CURRENT STATE
Footers ACTUAL VS. EXPECTEDCURRENT STATE NOTABLE DESIGN MODIFCATIONS Specification Expected (in.) Actual (in.) Footer Slippage with Wheelchair Swing Measure Footer Slippage. 0.1 Pass with 0” displacement on grass Footer Slippage with Platform Swing Measure Footer Slippage. 0.1 Pass with 0” displacement on grass Mount Leveling Pads (Positives and Negatives) 12”x12” Steel Plate for Weight Disbursement Possible Stabilizing Clamp Additions
Shaft ACTUAL VS. EXPECTED NOTABLE DESIGN MODIFCATIONS Specification Expected (in.) Actual (in.) Bearing 1 Measure Horizontal Displacement During Swinging. 0.1 ~ 0” Bearing 2 Measure Horizontal Displacement During Swinging. 0.1 ~0” Beam 3 Vertical Displacement01/8” Does swing rotate around shaft when shaft moves? No Pillow Block Bearings Rod-End Bearing for Support (Center of Beam 3) Leveling Assembly/Disassmbly
Wheelchair Swing Platform Specification Expected (in.) Actual (in.) Weldment Inspection 1 Manufactured to Drawing Diamond Plate Deflection: Load with 350 lbs. Measure deflection 0.5 <0.5 Q-Straint Inspection: Measure movement of wheels ” ACTUAL VS. EXPECTED NOTABLE DESIGN MODIFCATIONS Front Guard/Handle Wheels for Transport Bottom Nut for Easy Attach/Detach of Swing to Frame Attachment
Swing to Frame Attachment ACTUAL VS. EXPECTED NOTABLE DESIGN MODIFCATIONS Specification Expected (in.) Actual (in.) Beam to Platform Inspection 400lbs to center of platform; inspect threads/hex nuts for wear No wear STFA/Beam 3 Conneccion Test Participant Swings. Measure Displacement of STFA/Beam 3 Weldment 0 0 Shortened Top Piece to Accommodate Swing Clearance Using Shim to Preserve Shaft/Allow for Future Modifications
PROJECT REVIEW Objective Evaluation (Successes and Failures), Opportunities for Future Work
Project Successes Dual Purpose was achieved Disassembly and reassembly is not as easy as intended Went over budget (~$300.00) due to the ordering of a wrong material Project Shortcomings
Opportunities for Future Work A Frame Modification Motorized Quicker Disassembly