CD Building Goals
Goal 1 Writing Skills All students in grades K-6 will increase their proficiency by at least one level on a specific grade level rubric based upon the designated grade level writing traits.
Writing Skills Rationale Based upon a study of the WKCE writing samples, the students scores indicated very little or no progress toward proficiency in writing. Individual grade level writing results from SMART Goal indicated student scores improved but not to the desired proficiency level.
Goal 2 Basic Math Facts Based on pre-posttest results in the area of basic math facts all students will achieve 80% proficiency by the final quarterly district basic math facts assessments.
Goal 2 Rationale Based upon a four year study of basic math fact data, and the SMART Goal results, Country Dale students in grades 3-6 have not consistently scored at the 80% proficient level on district quarterly basic math fact assessments.
What’s Next Use the Template on the CDShared WIKI to complete your grade level Action Plans (One for Writing and one for Math. (Send via to Larry by October 1 st ) Label them by grade and team members.
Questions/Clarifications You can consult any member of the Building Collaboration Team/Data Team Grace, Stephanie, CJ, Mitch, Jane, Tina, Sue Wucherer Larry