1 Mach Cones in Quark Gluon Plasma Jorge Casalderrey-Solana Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
2 Jet-Medium Coupling What happens to the energy lost by jets? Leaves the interaction region being transferred to propagating modes: Remains in the medium Hydrodynamical behaviour the medium reacts collectively Described as a parton cascade ( Ma et al.) Themalize (Stoecker, JCS, Teaney & Shuryak, Renk & Ruppert, Chaudhuri & Heinz) Plasma modes { Plasmon (Ruppert & Mueller) Cherenkov ( Koch, Majumder & Wang, Dremin) Large angle induced radiation (Vitev, Polosa & Salgado)
3 Hydrodynamic Modes Diffuson (R μ ) Propagating mode, c s Sound (φ) Wave interference Mach cone at Not propagating mode Remembers source direction The strength of the two modes is set by the shape of the bullet What sets relative mode amplitude in Jet-Medium interaction? NR fluid dynamics
4 Isentropic excitations: No significant entropy production. Medium excitation by sound wave emission. The Eloss is quadratic in the amplitude. Non isentropic excitations: the main excitation mechanism is entropy production and the flow field introduces vorticity. Excitation Mechanisms x (fm) ρ (fm) x (fm) Depostion/thermaliztion process One integral constraint Function with zero integral The source is not unique: Jet modification of hydro:
5 Spectrum Excitation independent low p assoc T ( T) angular dependence, the distribution from different fluid cells overlaps High p assoc T particles reflect the flow picture Spectrum: Cooper-Fry No large angle correlation at small p assoc T The fluid picture is not directly observed p assoc T fluid cell velocity Peaks at p assoc T ║ v but broad angle distribution at low p T Peaks at back jet direction
6 Non Isentropic Excitations Diffuson flow along jet direction No large angle correlation Chaudhuri & Heinz: Non linear hydro + source dN/dyd
7 Isentropic Excitations Static Medium Large dE/dx 12 Gev/fm The correlations develops as p assoc T increases The magnitude of the correlation decreases exponentially. Expanding medium the necessary dE/dx 1.5 Gev/fm (dilution of the medium) dN/dyd 4.0<P T Trig<6.0 GeV/c 0.15<P T Assoc<4.0 GeV/c D
8 Expanding Medium The underlying flow v affects the directionality of the Mach cone (Satarov 05) Renk + Ruppert : studies in a realistic background + BDMPS radiative losses Fraction f=0.75 of energy into θ M θ M updated with local c s Rapidity distribution of Back Jet P(y) Elongation due to longitudinal flow Observed 3-p signal (strong radial expansion destroys the cone) Dominated by Radial flow ║ Mach flow (Cooper-Fry) Longitudinal flow Elongation in y Radial flow broadens the peaks (misalignment of flow and jet)
9 Mach Angle from Transport AMPT Transport model: Large angle correlation is observed Hadronic re-scattering increases the magnitude of the correlation Y. G. Ma, G. L. Ma et al. (06) 2 2 parton cascade + recombination The signal has a partonic origin 3-particle analysis: the medium excitation is conical. It requires “long” partonic phase p > 1.5 fm Large partonic σ Hydro limit? collective effects? 2 2 interaction Isentropic ? (no particle production)
10 Cherenkov radiation: At high T, plasma modes are time like cannot be excited by ω=vq If there are bound states in the plama: (space like gluon) Large angle radiation happens mostly at low p assoc t as opposed to Mach cone. Koch, Majumder, Wang (05) Processes likelead to A similar mechanism in the plasmon (longitudinal gluon) can happen if it also becomes spacelike, ε L >1 (Ruppert and Mueller) Dremin (05) p n(ω) >1 for ω inter-level spacing Heavy bound states are required for Cherenkov gluons at ω 1 GeV
11 Radiation at Large Angle Induced gluon radiation is suppressed at small angle (interference) Vitev (05) Smearing: Polosa + Salgado: since p trig T p asso T only one gluon can be radiated Exclusive process Sudakov Stronger angular dependence than inclusive distribution. After smearing: Centrality dependence of the splitting parameter is reproduced. For low p assoc T becomes inclusive no large angle correlations Inclusive distribution do not show large angle correlations
12 Deflected Jets Scattering of an energetic parton in the medium leads to a change in jet direction The collinear fragmentation along the back jet is the source of off π. At each event there are particle in only one side Clearly distinguishable through 3 particle correlation Chiu and Hwa (06) Follow path of the partons Random deflection (gaussian) α At initial times σ/2=0.88 (large deflections) (Armesto et al., Fries)
13 Au+Au 0-12% 12 13 θ* = 120 PHENIX Acceptance Indications of abnormal jets Star: signal along the off-diagonal consistent with conical structure Three Particle Correlations
14 Conical Flow in AdS/CFT (Friess, Gubser, Michalogiorgakis, Pufu hep-th/ ) String theory study of Heavy Quark motion in strongly coupled N =4 SYM Looking at T 00 they found the shock waves in N =4 SYM This is a dynamical model. No assumption about hydro- dynamical behavior is made! = Energy Density 024 KLKL 1 K┴K┴ KLKL 1 K┴K┴ KLKL 1 K┴K┴ KLKL 1 K┴K┴ 2 Mach cone v=0.75v=0.9 v=0.95v=0.99 Drag { Herzog et al. JCS & Teaney Gubser
15 CONCLUSIONS Hydrodynamic description of deposited jet energy: Mach cone formation. Particle spectrum reflects the cone (initial conditions!). Transport calculations: compatible with the Mach cone Mach like signals for plasma modes if n>1. Large angle correlations from one gluon radiation. p T asso dependence of D: Deflected Jets Different three particle correlation. Cherenkov: decreases (unless heavy bound states) Mach cone and gluon radiation: increases
16 Buck up
17 Expansion effects: Amplitude Static fluid the amplitude of sound waves decrease like v α 1/r For RHIC, the evolution changes the fireball radius (from ~ 6fm to ~ 15 fm) and the c 2 s from 1/3 to 0.2 the amplitude v/T grows by a factor 3. Energy loss quadratic in the amplitude necessary dE/dx 1.5 GeV/fm. Expanding medium: also the fluids temperature lowers with . The spectrum is controlled by v/T velocity field v 1 > v 2 T 1 < T 2 T1 T1 T2 T2 v1 v1 v2 v2 < t1 t1 t2 t2
18 From STAR highlights :