KOCO 5 & KOCO.com Demographic Details
KOCO 5 TV Demographic Details Age (Mean: 49.0) Sex EducationTarget % Grade School (8 th grade or less)2.0% Some high school (not graduate)6.2% High school graduate (12 grade or GED)34.7% Some college (1-3 years-not Graduate or AA/Associates33.1% College graduate (4 year college)15.3% Some post graduate (no advanced degree)2.5% Post graduate degree6.2% Employment StatusTarget % Employed full-time (35 hours or more)44.3% Employed part-time (less than 35 hours)7.9% Not Employed47.8% Reason Not EmployedTarget % A Homemaker10.9% A Student2.3% Retired25.5% Temporarily Laid-Off0.9% Not Employed – Looking for Work1.5% Other1.1% Household Income Scarborough Research 2008
KOCO.com Demographic Details The Media Audit 2008 KOCO.com is the #1 Local News TV Web Site. Alexa.com 2009
Media Analysis The Media Audit 2008 Adults Multi-platform packages combining TV and Internet doubles reach in A25 – 54. Multi-platform packages with KOCO TV and KOCO.com have the potential to reach up to 73.6% A25 – 54.