Lecture 11: Harmonic oscillator-I. Vibrational motion (This lecture introduces the classical harmonic oscillator as an introduction to section Lecture on-line The Harmonic Oscillator-I (PDF) The Harmonic Oscillator-I (PowerPoint Handout for this lecture (PDF) Supporting material for classical harmonic oscillator (PDF) Supporting material for classical harmonic oscillator (PDF handout format with 6 slides per page) Supporting material for quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator (PDF) Supporting material for quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator (PDF handout format with 6 slides per page)
Tutorials on-line Basic concepts Observables are Operators - Postulates of Quantum Mechanics Expectation Values - More Postulates Forming Operators Hermitian Operators Dirac Notation Use of Matricies Basic math background Differential Equations Operator Algebra Eigenvalue Equations Extensive account of Operators
Audio-visuals on-line Overview of the harmonic oscillator (PDF) (Good overview from the Wilson group,****) Overview of the harmonic oscillator (Powerpoint) (Good overview from the Wilson group,****) Vibrating molecule-I (Quick Time movie 1.4 MB) (From the CD included in Atkins,***) Vibrating molecule-II (Quick Time movie 1.4 MB) (From the CD included in Atkins,***) Slides from the text book (From the CD included in Atkins,**) The material in this lecture covers the following in Atkins.