1. Write an Excel text function in cell Company Data!A4, which may be copied down, to string together the first and last name with only the first letter of each begin capitalized. =PROPER(CONCATENATE('Customer Data'!B4," ",'Customer Data'!A4))
2. Write an Excel text function in cell Company Data!B4, which may be copied down to display the address with the letters, “St.” instead of “Street”. =SUBSTITUTE('Customer Data'!E4,"Street","St.")
3. Write an Excel text function in cell Company Data!C4, which may be copied down to display only the City. =LEFT('Customer Data'!F4,FIND(",",'Customer Data'!F4)-1)
4. Write an Excel text function in cell Company Data!D4, which may be copied down to display only the State. =MID('Customer Data'!F4,FIND(",",'Customer Data'!F4)+1,20)
5. Write an Excel text function in cell Company Data!E4, which may be copied down, to display the words, “INVALID ZIPCODE”, if the billing zip code is less than 5 characters. (Note: A blank zip code is not considered Invalid.) =IF(OR(LEN('Customer Data'!J4)=5,LEN('Customer Data'!J4) =0)," “,"INVALID ZIPCODE")
6. Write an Excel text function in cell Company Data!F4, which may be copied down, to determine TRUE/FALSE if the company should use the customer’s billing address. =EXACT('Customer Data'!E4,'Customer Data'!H4)
7. Write an Excel text function in cell Company Data!G4, which may be copied down, to delete extraneous spaces in the Cleaning Type cells. =TRIM('Customer Data'!C4)