TEXT MESSAGING AS A FORM OF COMMUNICATION A presentation about the hypothesis, survey and results
Hypothesis The younger a person is, the more he or she will use text messaging features on their cell phone.
Survey Created in Microsoft Word Distributed by hand at Oklahoma State University in the Spears School of Business and the College of Education Random Sample of 20 People 10 Female, 10 Male 5 in age group, 6 in age group, 5 in age group, 4 in age group 1 African, 1 Chinese, 1 Egyptian, 17 American
Survey Statements Asked participants to rate each statement on a scale of 1-5. 1= Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree 3= Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree 5 Statements Older people are more knowledgeable than younger people about all of the text messaging features on their cell phones. The younger a person is, the less he/she uses text messaging to communicate with others. Younger people have much more time on their hands to text message. Older people prefer to use more personal types of communication, such as phone calls. Text messaging is one of my main forms of communication.
Average Response per question from age 18-25
Average Response per question from age 26-35
Average Response per question from age 36-45
Average Response per question from age 46-55
Response to Question 1 Across Groups
Response to Question 2 Across Groups
Response to Question 3 Across Groups
Response to Question 4 Across Groups
Response to Question 5 Across Groups