Reproduction Reproduction: making a copy of something Two Types: Asexual and Sexual
Asexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction-the new generation is genetically identical to the parent Also called a clone Advantages? Disadvantages?
Sexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction: egg and sperm (gametes) unite so different combinations of genetics result Advantages? Disadvantages?
Chromosomes Except for the gametes, humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in the nucleus of every cell Chromosomes are long strands of DNA (genetic code) that are wrapped around proteins called histones When chromosomes are coiled, they look like a string
Types of Chromosomes Autosomal Chromosomes pairs #1-22 Code for almost everything except the sex of the individual Sex Chromosome pair #23 Determine sex and some other features XY is male XX is female Is the sex of the offspring determined by the male?
Homologous Chromosomes : chromosomes that are the same size and shape and code for the same traits. These are the chromosome “pairs”.
Karyotype Karyotype: a display of all of the chromosomes in a cell.
Heredity What two factors determine physical features and behavior of an organism?