Genetics CyberEd: Heredity
Maryland Science Content Standard Students will be able to explain the ways that genetic information is passed from parent to offspring in different organisms.
Objective Today you will be able to understand gametes (human: 23 chromosomes) combine, containing genetic information from each parent. That combination multiplies, composing about a trillion cells, each containing the same exact genetic information (humans: 46 chromosomes)
Notebook Title:CyberEd: Heredity Vocab Date:2/21/2016
Lesson Click on the CyberEd Icon As a class, go through the information found in the heredity section of Life Science Create vocabulary cards as lesson progresses
Application Click on the Application button for this topic Complete the application word document distributed while continuing the application lesson
Ending Question Why do self-pollinating plants have the same exact traits as the parent plant? How does this differ in humans? Answer in notebook