Presented By: John C. Fox, Esq. Partner, Fox, Wang & Morgan P.C. San Jose, CA THE NUMBERS MAKE IT DIFFICULT TO HIRE PROTECTED VETERANS
Percentage of “White Collar” workforce suffering unemployment in U.S. (as of 2010)= 5 ½%-6% 1
Percentage of “Blue Collar” workforce suffering unemployment in U.S. (as of 2010)= 13% 2
in U.S. requiring college degree, or better: 75% 4
Percentage of U.S. population in 2010 who completed high school by age 25: 86% (new high #!) 5
Percentage of U.S. population in 2010 with a Bachelor’s Degree, or better: 28.2 % (new high #) 6
Number of U.S. military troops currently in Middle East: 90,000 11
Percentage of U.S. military troops in Middle East who are enlisted: 87% 12