Tale-a-2030 Better Attitudes for Tomorrow By: Team Pakistan
Vision: Better Attitudes=Better Future Tale-a-2030 would help establish new ideals and heroes for the kids of today by publishing new fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Try to instill values such as saving, conserving and tolerance. Easy access to schools and available in form of e- books.
What do people say? What PROBLEM would you like to solve in today's world? 1)Cheating 2)Corruption 3)Poverty 4)Inequality 5)Hunger
What do people Say? The problems identified by the people are problems which could be solved if individuals don’t think as individuals but think collectively. ATTITUDES NEED TO BE CHANGED!!!
Our Inspiration: J.K. Rowling We would like to interview J.K. Rowling she is the author of best selling Harry Potter series. Since she has a global readership we would like to ask her what are the necessary elements that we should have in our fairy tales. How should we put across our message?