Looking at Successful Student Trajectories Janet Fulks, Bakersfield Colleges
Updates and high flying issues Statewide CurricUNET – electronic submission Program and Course Approval Handbook – PCAH Issues with Coding and Basic Skills Graduation Requirements Prerequisites
We need an educated California and Curriculum that works!
Success Rates
What does it take to make good curriculum? Clear outcomes -SLOs Clear criteria Backward design Start with outcomes->activities- >content->evaluation techniques Scaffolding –attaching new knowledge to old Alignment->alignment of courses
What do students need to be successful in CTE classes? Reading Math ESL English (writing) Study Skills Soft Skills *** Find help in the BSI handbook at
Approximately what percent of California Community College students place into at least one basic skills course in Reading, Writing, ESL or Mathematics? A. 0% B. 25% C. 35% D. 50% E. Over 70%
What percent of CTE students have basic skills needs compared to the total population of students? A. less B. The same C. More
What kinds of prerequisites or corequisites address basic skills needs in CTE courses?
How many students who start 3 or more levels below college-level actually make it to a college-level course? A. Less than 10% B % C. Approximately 40% D. Over 60% E. 80% or more
11 How many students actually enroll in basic skills classes? 70-85% assess into basic skills 27.4% take basic skills classes Where are the rest?
Prerequisites § Policies for Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Advisories on Recommended Preparation. (b)(1) Determinations about prerequisites and corequisites shall be made on a course-by-course or program-by-program basis. (c)(2) The prerequisite will assure, consistent with Section 55002(a)(2)(D), that a student has the skills, concepts, and/or information that is presupposed in terms of the course or program for which it is being established, such that a student who has not met the prerequisite is highly unlikely to receive a satisfactory grade in the course (or at least one course within the program) for which the prerequisite is being established.
What does this mean? California community college policies on basic skills prerequisites differ markedly from those in other states. Should we consider creating enrollment or prerequisite changes to better guide the 70-90% of our first time students that need help in one or more prerequisite areas? Are the Title 5 requirements for prerequisites too onerous to allow effective application of prerequisites?
Math and Econ Key: Math 114 = Intermediate Algebra Math 112/212 = Elementary Algebra (course # changed when recoded) Math 210 = pre-algebra (De Anza’s lowest level)
CTE Datamart information
Issues in CTE Curriculum
We believe that – The assessment of student proficiencies benefits our colleges and our students – informing both of students’ needs and ensuring that these needs are incorporated into course planning and scheduling. Prerequisites should be implemented and enforced appropriately as means of increasing the likelihood of student success.
We believe that – It does a disservice to students, our institutions, and the state to not establish the clear minimum expectations of the skills a student should have upon registering for a course. Prerequisite, corequisites, and advisories should be explicitly explained and defined in both the college catalog and in the schedule of classes.
We believe that – The establishment of prerequisites should be fair and just – students who have the necessary skills should not find themselves denied course access. While some assert that a student “has a right to fail”, the faculty have an obligation to establish a learning environment that is conducive to the success of all students and that does not intentionally increase a student’s chance of failure.
What do you suggest to keep our curriculum the “Right Stuff” in CTE?