E-Guides training programme 2008 2009
Programme aims The programme aims to drive improvement in teaching and learning by increasing the effective use of e-learning in all areas of learning, by developing the skills and knowledge of E-Guides to support colleagues in their use of technology.
The objectives of the programme are to: explore the role of E-Guides develop skills in the use of technology throughout the learner journey consider and plan models of cascade training, coaching and mentoring provide E-Guides with resources for developing e- learning with their colleagues in their organisations.
Teaching and Learning Programme (TLP) The Teaching and Learning Programme (TLP) builds upon the achievements of the National Teaching and Learning Change Programme (NTLCP). The focus of the programme is to support whole organisational approaches in the improvement of the quality in teaching and learning. It aims to link organisational strategies for quality improvement, continuing professional development and the Subject Learning Coach model. The TLP is funded and managed by the Quality Improvement Agency (QIA).
Learning outcomes As a result of attending the training, the participants will be able to: enhance the effective use of e-learning across their organisations identify appropriate applications of e-learning throughout the learner journey produce interactive learning content and support colleagues to develop interactive e-resources coach and mentor colleagues in their application of e-learning to their practice.
The E-Guides programme consists of: two days’ core training developing e-learning skills a third day’s training focusing on furthering skills and developing an action plan optional E-Guides Plus training days to consolidate skills and provide ongoing networking. The programme has an experiential approach.
Learning tools Reflective log to record your thoughts, ideas, personal goals, expectations and progress Personal action plan to record your aims and objectives as an E-Guide
Support Facilitators RSC Advisors NIACE E-Guides: in your learning group in your organisation in your subject area in your region.
Cascade Share your skills and knowledge with your colleagues. Tutors in the Pompey study centre in Portsmouth.