Taylor Jordan
Vertebrate Classes Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Mammalia
Agnatha Oldest class of vertebrates Jawless Ex: Lamprey
Chondrichthyes Have skeletons made of cartilage Ex: Sharks
Osteichthyes Skeletons made of bone Most diverse group of vertebrates Ex: Ray-Finned Fish
Reptilia Live exclusively on land Produce eggs that do not need to develop in water Ex: Lizards
Aves Feathers Hollow bones Ex: Blue Jay
Mammalia Hair Mammary glands Three middle ear bones Ex: Raccoon
Three Groups Vertebrates Tunicates Lancelets
Overview/Characteristics All have tails, pharyngeal slits, hollow nerve cords, and notochords at some point in life or development.
Vertebrates Large Active Well developed brains in hard skull Segemented backbone Ex: Humans
Tunicates Urochordates Free swimming/sessile Ex: Sea Squirts
Lancelets Cephalochordates Small Eel-like Found in shallow tropical oceans Ex:Lancelet