Neptune, Pluto, the kuiper belt, and oort cloud By kyle myers
Neptune Neptune is about miles in diameter and has almost over 17 times the mass of the earth. Each day takes earth hours Each year on neptune takes 164.8earth years Neptune is made of 80% helium, 19% hydrogen, and 1.5% methane.
Pluto Pluto has a mass of 1/500 th that of earth. Pluto has a diameter of 2360 km. Length of one year is 248 earth years. The length of one day on pluto is equivalent to 6.4 earth days The orbit of the planet pluto is 17 degrees off from the other planets. Pluto has 3 known moons orbiting it.
The kuiper belt The kuiper belt extends from au to and from the sun. The kuiper belt is located just beyond neptune Contains large comets and rock as well as ice. Contains the oort cloud
Oort cloud The oort cloud is contained in the kuiper belt and containts very large meteors, chunks of ice, and dust and gases.