Using IT to Communicate
Communications Channels word-processed documents presentations web-based Blogs Vlogs Podcasts web pages video conferencing
Communications Channels word-processed documents Can create professional looking documents It allows easy and near-instant textual input. There is a large variety of formatting options Images can be 'drag-and-dropped' into the application, inserted manually, or imported from the word-art galleries. Lists can be easily created and formatted. Compatible with a large number of standard document formats. Extensive help documentation. Self-explanatory dialogue boxes and menu options. increased office efficiency improved human resource utilization
Communications Channels presentations Professional look Can easily input images Templates are built in for different appearances Can add notes pages Can easily add media and recordings More exciting than a simple word document or hand written presentation Master slides make presentations consistent
Communications Channels It's fast - Messages can be sent anywhere in an instant It's cheap - Transmission can cost nothing or very little It's simple - Easy to use, after initial set-up It's efficient - Sending to a group can be done in one action. It's versatile - Pictures or other files can be sent too
Communication Channels Web-based Blogs What are they? Discuss So what is a v-log??? Discuss Ok so what is a podcast?? Discuss
Communication Channels The web!! The biggest communications tool in the WORLD?? Discuss
Communication Channels Video Conferencing Advantages of video conferencing Meetings can take place without leaving the office. Travel costs and the time taken to travel can be reduced significantly. Meetings can be called instantly worldwide with little notice. Delegates can still attend meetings even if they are physically unable to. Disadvantages of video conferencing May not be as productive as a discussion around a table. Confidential documents may need to be viewed and signed in person. There will always be times when you need to be able to meet face to face.
Communication Channels Video Conferencing cont. We are going over to College Video Conferencing suite at 4pm today