Exchange Flows, IXQPS and Tracking Tools
Sales preparation Segmentation Targeting Define positioning strategy Selling Execute Positioning Sales meeting and follow up JQ sign Enter and Audit JQ Form Acceptance Procedures Matching Intern Preparation Intern Reception Intern Induction into organization Organization Internship Prepartion Evaluation of stakeholders’ satisfaction Delivery Re-Raising TN Taker Flow Integration into LC Relationship Management
Exchange Role Bring Insight Pool Analyses for the Marketing/Sales Team or ensure that they know it and are taking it into consideration. Interaction with other areas Marketing CR (Sales) Role of VPX Ensure the quality of the analyses (it Exchange team will present it). Alignment with Sales Team. Segmentation
Exchange Role Participate in the decision making process to define targets and goals. Interaction with other areas Marketing CR (Sales) Finances (guarantee that the financial sustainability is being considered) Role of VPX The VPX, together with the leadership team, has a very important role here. Bringing the knowledge about exchange he/she will participate in the definition of targets (markets), pools (MT, TT, ET, DT), goals for each pool, etc. Exchange Area should also bring with solutions (a market which is strong in the city but poor in the pool should require an international cooperation). Targeting
Exchange Role Guarantee that the Sales Team will promise what we can deliver and guarantee that they are positioning the exchange in the right way. Interaction with other areas Marketing CR (Sales) Role of VPX Alignment with sales team. Define positioning strategy
Exchange Role Constantly provide information about the pool to sales team. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Usual Execute Positioning
Exchange Role Sometimes exchange members can go to sales meeting to bring information about exchange reality or support the sales team with exchange information. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Usual Sales meeting and follow up
Exchange Role It should ensure that the job profile is matchable, has quality and that the company is accorded with the IXQPS. It can be done having exchange members in the meeting that the JQ will be signed. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Alignment with sales team. JQ Sign
Exchange Role As well as in the last step, Exchange Area should ensure that the TN form will be matchable, and has quality. The exchange responsible shouldn’t put a form available if it is not ok. Also this process needs to be quick. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Alignment with sales team. Enter and audit JQ Form
Exchange Role This process has to be done as soon as possible and the content of the acceptance notes has to be checked. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Usual Acceptance Procedures
Exchange Role Guarantee that the TN form will match with a great EP as soon as possible. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Usual Matching
Exchange Role Prepare the intern in order that he/she can have the best experience as possible. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Usual Intern Preparation
Exchange Role Orientate and support the intern in terms of culture, AIESEC understanding, work, learning and logistics in order to have the smoothly adaptation to the new reality. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Talent Management Role of VPX Usual Intern Reception
Exchange Role Support CR team in prepare the organization to provide the best experience to the intern and achieve its objectives with the exchange. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Alignment with sales team Organization Internship Preparation
Exchange Role Work together with the sales team to adapt the intern to the new work environment. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Alignment with sales team Intern induction into organization
Exchange Role Integrate the intern in the LC learning environment. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX The VPX has an important role in stimulate the team and the other VPs to integrate the interns in LC activities. Integration into LC
Exchange Role Have feedback about the exchange experience to continue improving it. Create good communication canals with the stakeholders. Usually exchange team is responsible for the intern and the sales team for the organization. Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX The VPX has to be aware of the satisfaction of stakeholders and plan action that will improve the quality of the exchange experience. Evaluation of stakeholder satisfaction
Exchange Role Give support to the sales team (using the intern in the process and giving feedbacks about the company). Interaction with other areas CR (Sales) Role of VPX Alignment with sales team and doesn’t allow the re-raising with an organization that couldn’t provide a good experience to the trainee. Re-raising
Pre- recruitment Segmentation Talent Planning Promotion Pre-exchange Selection for Exchange stage Enter and Audit JQ Form Acceptance Procedures Virtual Communication and home LC connection Evaluation of stakeholders’ satisfaction Exchange Experience Re- integration Exchange Paticipant Flow Post-recruitment LC Recruitment Talent selection The other talent management processes Matching Advanced cultural, logistical, AIESEC and professional preparation Promotion of Exchange within the LC
Exchange Role Bring Insight Pool Analyses for the Marketing/TM Teams or ensure that they know it and are taking it into consideration. Interaction with other areas Marketing TM Role of VPX Ensure the quality of the analyses (it Exchange team will present it). Alignment with Sales Team. Segmentation
Talent Planning Exchange Role Participate in the decision making process to define targets and goals. Interaction with other areas Marketing TM Finances Role of VPX The VPX has to ensure that in the Talent Planning it is included to select people with profile to go for exchange in short and long term. The EP goals have to be set together with the TM area and the there should be goals for each pool. Current members that want to go for exchange soon also have to be considered here.
Exchange Role Guarantee that the exchange experience is being well promoted. Interaction with other areas Marketing TM Role of VPX Alignment with TM and Marketing Promotion
LC Recruitment Here we have basically TM process. The VP Exchange should ensure that the exchange opportunity is being promoted to new members and break barriers that are not enabling members to take this opportunity.
Exchange Role Support the organization of Review Board, provide information about exchange processes and profiles and take part in the decision process. Interaction with other areas TM Role of VPX Alignment with TM and participation in the decision of who will be selected. Also he/she can be present in the Review Board. Selection for Exchange Stage
Exchange Role It should ensure that the EP form is matchable, has quality and that the EP is accorded with the IXQPS. An exchange member should fill the JQ together with the EP. Interaction with other areas None Role of VPX Usual Enter and audit JQ Form
Exchange Role This process has to be done as soon as possible and the content of the acceptance notes has to be checked. Interaction with other areas None Role of VPX Usual Acceptance Procedures
Exchange Role The EP will manage his/her match but the exchange responsible has to coach him/her and track the progress of matching process. Interaction with other areas None Role of VPX Track more than usual Matching
Exchange Role Give the proper preparation in order that the EP can get the most of the exchange experience. Interaction with other areas TM Role of VPX Usual Advanced cultural, logistical, AIESEC and professional preparation
Exchange Role Track the quality of the EP experience abroad and keep the LC connection with him/her. Interaction with other areas None Role of VPX Usual Virtual communication and home LC connection
Exchange Role Run this stage in a proper way! Interaction with other areas None Role of VPX The VP can stimulate returnees to engage again in AIESEC activities including taking leadership opportunities. Re-Integration
Exchange Documents and Auditing 2007 Acceptance NotesTrainee Evaluations Student Contract CompanyStudent Pre Goal Setting Pre Expectatio n Pre Service One Year Post SN-Yo-BR-SP Archive Rodrigo (Soneca) Online CEPRODIH / Uruguai
Exchange Documents and Auditing 2007