Welcome to Seventh Grade Science The state curriculum focuses on the theme of “structure,” from atoms and cells to the earth and whales.
We will explore five main units Nature of matter Earth’s crust and interior Structure and function of cells Heredity or Genetics Classification
Nature of Matter Motion in molecules Heat and molecules Solid, liquid, and gas
Structure of Rocks and Minerals Experiment with properties of minerals Learn how rocks and minerals form. Study materials of different densities.
Models of Earth Research past ideas and theories about earth. Discover how today’s scientists study earth.
The Shaping of Earth’s Crust Plate tectonics Volcanoes Earthquakes Erosion
Cell Theory Research history of cells Show all life is made of cells Cells only come from other cells
Structure and function of cells Plant and animal cells Parts of the cell What cells do
Levels of Structure Cells TissuesOrgan Organ SystemOrganism
Heredity DNA the code of life
Classification Distinguish between living, non-living, and dead Five kingdoms of life Learn to identify with classification keys
Monera and Protist Kingdoms
Fungi Kingdom
Plant Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
I can’t wait to get started Science Rules