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Why invest with an Index? TransparencyTransparency PerformancePerformance CostCost
A portfolio of stocks or bonds designed to represent the entire market or a segment of the market. S&P 500 Index MSCI World Index Citibank Global Govt Bond Index FTSE 100 Hang Seng Index What’s an Index?
Consistent Performance Indices work in bear markets too
Building an Offshore Portfolio Foundation = Global Index Funds Country/Sector Funds Shares
Expert support for Index Funds “Most investors, both institutional and individual, will find the best way to own common stocks is through an index fund.” Warren Buffett 1996 Berkshire Hathaway, Annual Report “Most investors would be better off in an index fund.” Peter Lynch, Vice Chairman of Fidelity Funds “Only about 1 out of every 4 equity unit trusts outperforms the stock market. That’s why I’m a firm outperforms the stock market. That’s why I’m a firm believer in the power of indexing.” Charles Schwab, Founder of largest unit trust supermarket
“Leaping tall buildings in a single bound is nice, but can you outperform the S&P Index?”
Diversification Own entire market Index Funds 8-10 times more diversified Largest pension funds index core Brokers protected – can’t underperform UK Govt supports indexing over active managers (Sandler Report) Index firms = amongst largest (3/5)
US Equity Indexed Assets as % of US Stock Mkt Source: Bogle Research 1981: $6.5bn Indexed 2013 : $7.1 trillion Indexed 2012 = 18%
Indexed Assets as % of US Equity Assets Source: Bogle Research 2% 29% 20% 6% 38%
Source: Standard & Poors, December 2012 SPIVA Scorecard