Prom Dress Code 2012 Images taken from: PromGirl & Net Fashion Avenue
WLHS Staff and Administration will be enforcing the prom dress code for the 2012 event. We want you to have fun, but we want everyone to be dressed appropriately! Each student should make sure their attire meets dress code BEFORE the night of the prom. It is the responsibility of WLHS students to inform dates of the guidelines.
Dresses may not be cut below the bust line at the sides. With arms down at your side, if flesh touches flesh below the bust line, it does not meet code. Inappropriate Appropriate
Dresses may be backless as long as they are not cut below the naval. Inappropriate Appropriate
Midriffs must expose no more than 3 inches of flesh. This includes side exposure. Inappropriate Appropriate
Dresses may not have a slit that exceeds mid- thigh. This would be fingertip length. Inappropriate Appropriate
Dresses may not be made of see- through fabrics or nude looking fabrics. Examples: Tulle, Netting or Illusion. Inappropriate
Necklines of female students must not be lower than five inches from the base of the neck. Inappropriate Appropriate
Dress length should be no higher than mid thigh. Inappropriate Appropriate
No cover- ups will be allowed to bring dress up to code. The dress must meet dress code on its own. Guideline #9 Formal Tuxedos or Dress Suits must be worn. Shirts will be worn AT ALL TIMES!
No undergarments should be visible! No pinning will be allowed to bring dress up to code. (Safety pins) Appropriate
Too low cut – too short! See through! Slit too high – cut out sides showing more than 3 inches Too many cut outs!
Please see: Mrs. Dewana Kemp Assistant Principal WLHS