The Tarpaulin Revolution My project ‘Are We Sp££chle$$?’ looks at our right to protest and freedom of speech.
Plinth Guy You may or may not have heard of him. He inspired my project on freedom of expression through his simple act of disobedience during the October 2014 protests in Parliament Square. The protests were against the current corrupt and unrepresentative system.
The V&A and Mark Wallinger Disobedient Objects, the first exhibition to examine the powerful role of objects in movements for social change. State Britain, the replica of the peace campaigner Brian Haw’s occupation of Parliament Square in June The change of environment and context mocked the law designed to restrain our freedom to protest.
My Installation Print, sculpture, textiles, painting, performance, film, sound, light and text art incorporated in a piece that looks at replicating the feeling of being there in the moment. The installation looks at the impact of putting a public demonstration in a gallery context. Who sees it and is it really art?
Image References Findler, R. (2014) Available at: Mark Wallinger: State Britain (2007) Available at: wallinger-state-britain. Perraudin, F. (2014) Occupy protesters forced to hand over pizza boxes and tarpaulin. Available at: protesters-forced-to-hand-over-pizza-boxes-and-tarpaulin. Disobedient Object photographs, myself. ‘Are We Sp££chle$$?’ Installation photographs, myself.