General Body Meeting 9/8/
Welcome! Introduction of AMCP Executive Board Introduction to AMCP OSU website Membership/AMCP website P&T Competition Overview Fundraising update Service involvement AMCP P1 Liaison AMCP-GenRx Collaboration AMCP Opportunity for PD hours Managed Care 101 Presentation
President: Jorge Ng Zheng (ngzheng.1) Vice-President: May Matsunami(.2) Secretary: Maryam Khan(.229) Treasurer: Kevin Chang(.1064) Director of Programming: Mike Baxter(.209) P&T Competition Chair: Peshan Ngo(.39) Webmaster: Kayla Cierniak(.1) Fundraising Chair: Justin Wells(.343) Ext. Relations: Christine Bosler-Walton (boslerwalton.1) and Natalie Park(.1229) Historian: Gina Filo(.5) President-Elect: Sarah Redmond(.102) Resident Advisors: Dr. Vimal Reddy and Dr. Lin Zheng
Managed Care 101 Presentation
Google “AMCP OSU:” Front page: Membership Forms
1. Fill out a membership form, two options: Google form (link in listserv , on AMCP-OSU website) Paper form (copies up front, also available on AMCP-OSU website) 2. Write a check to AMCP-OSU for $65 This includes both national and local chapter membership dues Put in locker Renewing members - done! 4. New members You will get an to your OSU from national AMCP with your member ID number and temporary password (feel free to change your password). Forward this to May at matsunami.2 Deadline: October 31 st Questions? May at matsunami.2
Counts for 2 elective credit hours in Spring Graded as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (just need to finish!) Compete as a group (less pressure!) Assigned a team (but can pick a partner) Components: Monograph, Drug Class Review, and Presentation Sign the interest sheet and come to our next meeting (Sept. 22) to learn more about this opportunity!! Contact person: Peshan Ngo. 39
Nametags ◦ 1 for $12 and 2 for $20 ◦ Order will be placed the end of the week ◦ Can pay now or at the time of pick up ◦ Questions? Contact Justin (wells.343) Intern Lamination Services ◦ $3 ◦ Will be outside student lounge around the time p1s get their licenses ◦ ID card holders for $1 ◦ Questions? Contact Sarah (redmond.102) Hoodie fundraiser “in the works”
Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP) Part D Comparison CHS hours! CV fodder! The feels! ◦ Events are often 3-6 hours ◦ Training counts for additional 6 hours once you attend an event ◦ Certification: mostly done online ◦ Can save seniors thousands! (managed care principle)
Events as of 9/1: ◦ Casino October 31 st ◦ Crown Plaza North November 8 th Events in progress: 2-3 more sites P1 Medicare Planfinder lectures In depth evening session comparisons ◦ Week of Oct 12 th Stay tuned for more details Questions? Contact Christine (boslerwalton.1) or Natalie (park.1229)
Attend all General Body and Exec Board Meetings Communicate AMCP information to P1 class Assist wherever help is needed Be involved in decision making for AMCP-OSU Help plan events/fundraisers ◦ Chili Cook-off theme ◦ Finding your Future in Four Minutes Questions? Gina Filo.5
Application available on website ◦ No need to nominate, just apply Applications are due to Sarah (redmond.102) by 11:59pm on Sunday Sept.28 P1 Liaison will be appointed by e-board Elected P1 Liaison will be notified by Oct. 1 Questions? Contact Sarah (redmond.102)
Dose of Reality = GenRx in the workplace ◦ Rx drug abuse cost businesses $42 billion per year in lost productivity! ◦ Become involved in developing the initiative and take on a leadership position within AMCP ◦ How can we bring GenRx principles to managed care? Ideas: Kayla
Boston, MA Oct 7-10 Research and residency conference ◦ Geared towards residencies in managed care and fellowships Registration is $150 AMCP may be able to subsidize some of the cost of attending Interested? May (matsunami.2) or Kevin (chang.1064)
OH-KY AMCP Affiliate Program Event ◦ On behalf of Novartis Pharmaceuticals ◦ Location: The Refectory Restaurant 1092 Bethel Rd. Columbus, OH ◦ Date: Thursday Sept. 18 at 6:30pm Same date as the Career Fair! Topic ◦ Multiple Sclerosis: Disease Overview and Managed Care Considerations presented by Dr. Barbara Green, MD.
GBM with speakers in various fields of managed care and industry Resident speakers Finding your Future in 4 Minutes (Jan) P&T Competition Managed Care Panel Rose Sale for p4s
Very little exposure to managed care in PharmD program Offers a different way to provide patient care ◦ Macro level decision making Opportunities in traditional pharmacy field may be limited Combines pharmacy, business, and economics Applicable to many areas/sites Unique experiences as a student Opportunities for leadership and to develop your clinical knowledge