Japan Tokyo Mike Aracena
Travel plans Theodore Francis Green State Airport Kikai Airport 9-10 hours I would bring a gameboy with me.
Weather June-July Weather will be hot, and humid. Short, Casual, Summer clothing will be used for the trip.
Packing Video games Money Company (friends and family). Language dictionary. Camera
Money Money in this country is called “the yen”. 1$ in the us is about 112 yen. I would bring about20,000$ on this trip.
Cities and Towns I would visit Tokyo city, Chiba, Saga. Tokyo city is the most popular city, Chiba has really good restaurants and stores and Saga has a lot of landmarks like the Ishibashi Museum. Tokyo city has lots of music, in Chiba I will check out the stores, and Saga I will check out the tourist attractions.
Famous Landmarks Yanagawa Castle Moat Water Gate, what any traveler can expect to see there is historical evidence. Anego No Hama, there would be lots of bodies of water. Koyaji Temple a big temple that was used for a church.
Food What I would like to taste in Japan is Sushi, Steamed Fish. Rice, and Dumplings. And Chicken breast. The food I think sounds the best is the chicken breast and the steamed fish.
Language Hello: Konnichiwa Goodbye: Sayonara Please: Te Kudasi Thank you: Arigato
Be Careful! There are dangers like these animals: Killer Bee (big), Poisonous Octopi, Puffer fish, Habu Snakes. Well if you chose to go to Japan good luck.