QR Codes & scavenger hunts for French class AATF Rochester Chapter Fall in Love with French Candace Black – candacerblack@gmail.com Cblack.wikispaces.com November 14, 2015
QR Codes A QR code is simply a graphic barcode that when scanned QR code reader (free app for any cell/iPad/tablet) will do one of the following actions: Navigate to a website; Open a text file; Open a YouTube video; Navigate to a Google Maps location; Open social media such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram (be careful, most of these are blocked by the school’s filter); …and more!
QR Codes Using your phone or iPad/tablet, go to the App Store. Search for and download the QR Reader app. Around the room are placed 4 QR codes. Scan each code and then write the answer to the question on the handout. There are 4 total.
QR Codes To generate a QR Code, go to: www.qrstuff.com OR simply Google “free QR code generator”. Choose the “data type”. (What will students do with the QR code?) Insert the content. Choose the foreground color. Download the QR code and copy/paste into a Word document.
QR Codes & Scavenger hunts You can organize an academic scavenger hunt for students in which QR codes are placed around the classroom or school. Students scan then and then answer a question/do an activity. = Cooperative & fun learning!