ME450 Project
Gearbox Analysis ME450 Finite Element Analysis Fall Semester, 2007 Prof: Dr. K. Nematollahi Team Members Aaron Huesman Jae Shin Kelly McCormick
Objective Perform structural analysis of two competing designs of a machined aluminum gearbox casing.
Applicable Theory {F} = [T][K][T] -1 {U}
Introduction Two competing designs Webbed Non-webbed Previous choice based on ease of machining Performing structural analysis to confirm choice
Unigraphics Model
Ansys Model Details Model reduced to simplest form One half of casing used (symmetry) Gears removed Bearings simulated Aluminum alloy material for case Brass material for bearing volumes
Ansys Model Solid Cylinders Simulate Bearings Substitute Bearing Volumes
Boundary Conditions
Boundary Conditions Cont…
Element Type Utilized ten-node SOLID92 tetrahedral elements Ideal for complicated solids with curved boundaries
Meshing Automatic meshing option
Analysis Deformation study Von-Mises Stress study Consistent boundary conditions and forces applied.
Deformation Distribution Non-Webbed Webbed Max: 5.17E-4 in.Max: 5.00E-4 in.
Stress Distribution Non-Webbed Webbed Max: psiMax: psi
Results Non-Webbed 1. Max Deformation = in 2. Max Stress = PSI 3. Mass = lbm Webbed 1. Max Deformation = in 2. Max Stress = PSI 3. Mass = lbm %Change 1. Max Deformation = -3.3% 2. Max Stress = -24.5% 3. Mass = +2.7%
Impact Statement Reduced chance of a failure 1. Reduces potential waste of material 2. Reduces potential environmental contamination 3. Reduces potential injuries (Robust design)
Conclusion Webbed design is superior. 1. Less stress 2. Less deformation 3. Easier machining 4. Minimal change in weight
Bibliography [1] Moaveni, Saeed. “Finite Element Analysis” Theory and Application with Ansys – 3rd Addition, Pearson Education, Inc., Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, 2008.