CSC Winter Workshop 2014 Wrap-up Summary COSMIN Filipescu
General comments CSC relevance and importance Platform to learn and debate Acronyms Keep the name tags, re-use at summer List of names – to be shared unless privacy Successful workshop
Introduction – Doug and Bryce Safety Choice Information Direction Cycles: trees x 2-3 a forester career (Coast)
Pat Bryant – TSR 101 Black box of TSR Assumptions: Initial conditions, Rules of change, Criteria/Indicators Results: Harvest Flows, Metrics Timber Supply: Influence – SI, Age, Initial Density, Spatial patterns Volume to value ratio 14:1 The Law of Bryant
Stefan Zeglen and Jim Brown Health and TSR Myth and reality (whose?) Losses: Basic and refined, endemic and epidemic Some losses we see, some we do not see Catastrophic is easy; Scale matters Uncertainty Past vs. Future OAF, YSM, TASS “TSR analysts are not evil”
Dr. Gordon Weetman - ACE “The Coast of BC – best place to grow trees in Canada” Private investment on Crown land Profitable vs. accountable Case studies Go intensive or go broke AB and ON; why not BC? Value x3 “Let’s get serious about growing cedar”
Annette van Niejenhuis Silviculture and AAC Plant: Good – Definitely; maybe Hemlock: Good – If you have it Genetic gain: Good – 4% ROI anyone? Fdc: Good, but also Pw, Ss and broadleaves Higher plant density: Good, it depends Site prep: Good – possibly Fertilization at plant: It depends, cost? Brush: cost? PCT: Not Good, most likely Fertilization: Good – two thumbs up Value x2
Paul Barolet AAC and species Some concerns: discrimination both under and overstory Retention and stocking standard Inventory discrimination: cover and reporting Silviculture matters to AAC!
Rene de Jong YSM ≠ SDM – floor at 727 Fisgard Morice case study – 50 plots, grid based in young stands Characteristics – size distributions, health, composition, SI TSR assumptions: SI, species, health combine for downward pressure
Jeff and Eleanor McWilliams - The Good, The Bad (and …) of Early Second growth harvesting Good or Bad: it depends – objectives, constraints; financial vs. biological PG case study – best sites best bet Harry Smith Trials – Cw beats Fdc handily Age class distribution, species composition Climate change and risk Early height growth; OAFs; Monitoring Value x6