Name of School Arts and Schools as Partners Planning Document
NEED (include evidence)
Strengths (of students and team members) What are your students good at doing? What do they already know? What does each team member bring to the collaboration? What kind of knowledge, experience, expertise?
Enduring Understanding Students will understand … For example: Students will understand what it means to walk in another’s shoes. Students will understand the nature of ensemble work and how to work within one to create something original.
Essential Questions For example: What processes do artists and scientists use to come up with original ideas? How does each one of us carry history?
Project Learning Goals What are the learning goals for your students? Think about the following areas: –learning goals in the arts –learning goals in the non-arts –learning goals centered on particular habits of mind
Evidence of Learning How will you determine that you have met your learning goals? How will students self-assess? Please list the evidence (student work, performances of understanding, student reflections, tests/quizzes) you will collect and analyze for baseline data, midcourse and final assessments: –Non-arts content learning goals –Art content learning goals –Habits of mind learning goals What kind of documentation needs to happen for this project? How can a peer coach help?
Schedule of Events What dates are already scheduled? Or do you have a rough idea of the schedule for the year? When are you meeting next to plan more or reflect as a team? When is the work happening with students? What dates are the artists in the classroom? Any final performances?
Looking at Student Work
Looking at Student Work (c)
Looking at Student Work (d)
Looking at Student Work (e)
What We See Describe what you see in the work
Questions Highlight a few questions that were raised during the protocol.
What We Know Now As a result of examining the student work, what do you know now? What patterns or trends are you seeing? What is the evidence that students are learning? What identifies the gap between what we want students to know and what we see in the work?
Next Steps Explain your next steps. For example, do you want to find a better way? Do you need more information? What are some strategies that will help you address any gaps? How will you accomplish your plan?
Sources All students and adults included in the photographs of this slideshow presentation have signed permission slips, which have been submitted in paper form to the ASAP office and are on file at the school office. (Here you can credit your sources. Please be mindful about obtaining permission and include the following bullet points:)
Arts and School as Partners (ASAP) is part of the Perpich Center's Minnesota Arts Education Network. This initiative has been funded by the McKnight Foundation and state funds appropriated by the Minnesota Legislature. The language for Learning Goals and Evidence of Learning are from Arts for Academic Achievement (AAA) Planner The reflection questions based on “Looking at Student Work” are from the Artful Teaching and Learning Handbook, pages ; Sources