doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 1 IEEE HRb SG Tentative Agenda July 2000 Session La Jolla, California Matthew B. Shoemake, Ph.D. HRb SG Chairperson
doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 2 Agenda, Monday, July 10 3:30-5:00pm, Ballroom B I.Welcome from the Chair II.Appointment of secretary for the session to take minutes III.Status and Mission of the HRb SG I.Document 00/197 – Status and Information IV.Setting of the Agenda I.Call for submissions to SG
doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 3 Agenda, Monday, July 10 3:30-5:00pm, Ballroom B (cont’d.) V.Approval of the minutes from May 2000 Seattle Meeting – Document 00/136 VI.Old Business I.Issues arising from PAR and 5 Criteria VII.New Business I.Press Release I.Discussion of general group requirements II.Formation of Ad Hoc group to draft press release
doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 4 Agenda, Monday, July 10 3:30-5:00pm, Ballroom B (cont’d.) VIII.Drafting of Call for Proposals I.Presentation of draft Call for Proposals II.Comments and discussion III.Vote on calling for proposals contingent upon approval of PAR IX.Presentation of Submissions
doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 5 Agenda, Tuesday, July 11 1:00-3:00pm, Ballroom B I.Old Business I.Issues arising from PAR and 5 Criteria II.Press Release I.Presentation of Draft Press Release by Ad Hoc committee II.Comments and discussion III.Vote on issuing press release contingent upon approval of PAR III.Call for Proposals IV.Presentation of Submissions II.New Business I.Selection Process I.Discussion of general group requirements II.Drafting of doc. 00/XXX, TGg Proposal Selection Process
doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 6 Agenda, Tuesday, July 11 3:30-5:00pm, Ballroom B I.Old Business I.Issues arising from PAR and 5 Criteria II.Selection Process I.Discussion of general group requirements II.Drafting of document 00/XXX, IEEE TGg Proposal Selection Process II.New Business
doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 7 Agenda, Wednesday, July 12 8:30-10:00am, Ballroom C I.Old Business I.Issues arising from PAR and 5 Criteria II.Press Release III.Selection Process II.New Business I.Functional Requirements I.Discussion of general group requirements II.Drafting of document 00/YYY, IEEE TGg Function Requirements
doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 8 Agenda, Thursday, July 13 8:30-10:00am, Ballroom B I.Old Business I.Issues arising from PAR and 5 Criteria II.Selection Process III.Functional Requirements
doc.: IEEE /199 Submission July 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Alantro CommunicationsSlide 9 Agenda, Thursday, July 13 8:30-10:00am, Ballroom B (Cont’d.) II.New Business I.Comparison Criteria Matrix I.Discussion of general group requirements II.Drafting of document 00/ZZZ, IEEE TGg Proposal Comparison Criteria Matrix II.Conference Calls for: Selection Process, Functional Requirements and Comparison Matrix I.Discussion II.Vote