Welcome to Chemistry GT Administrivia Teacher: Ms. Ose Room: 203
Objective: Today I will be able to: Understand the expectations and requirements for the Chemistry class. Design an experiment using the scientific method Construct a method to determine how to make the largest bubble. Informal Assessment: monitoring students questions and interactions during class Formal Assessment: analyzing student responses to the exit ticket and lab Common Core Connection Value evidence Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up Explain: Administrivia Elaborate: Finish Bubble Lab Questions Evaluate: Exit Ticket
Warm Up Fill in the following information on an index card Line 1Name (Nickname) Line 2Previous science class/ teacher/ grade Line 3Previous math class/ teacher/ grade Line 4Clubs or activities you are involved in at Howard Line 5What do you want to be when you grow up? Line 6Write a personal academic goal for the school year
Objectives Today I will be able to: Understand the expectations and requirements for the Chemistry class. Design an experiment using the scientific method Construct a method to determine how to make the largest bubble.
Homework: Signed Syllabus due Friday August 28 Finish Bubble Lab Questions
Agenda: Warm – Up - PRIDE Pact Administrivia Finish Bubble Lab Questions Exit Ticket
Administrivia Teacher: Ms. Allison Ose Website: Office: Between B203-B205
Classroom Expectations You will be seated at your desk and working on the warm-up when the bell rings “Pop Warm Up Quizzes” Use the bathroom, water fountain, pencil sharpener before class Students must ask for permission to leave the classroom
Classroom Expectations You are expected to follow the Howard County Code of Contact No Cell Phones or electronics during class. Devices must be silent and out of sight. (Not left on vibrate) Instructional use will be permitted under the teachers direction No hats No food
Materials You are expected to come prepared to class Pen/Pencil Notebook (or Folder) – your personal preference Calculator (TI-30X recommended, NOT required) Textbook will be passed out during the second week of school
Grades Grades will be posted on Aspen. Grades will be rounded based on the county requirement. A grade of an 89.49% is a B.
Late Work One Opps! assignment Accepted the next day at the beginning of class for half-credit Any work handed in after one day will not be accepted and will be given zero credit
Absence Your responsible for making up work when absent For excused absences you will be given the same number of days that you missed to make up the work Unexcused absences will result in not being allowed to make up missing work Students have one week to make up missed exams and labs Check the make up folder, ask your peers, then ask me!
Lab Safety Lab safety is a priority in the chemistry classroom All students are required to sign the safety contract You MUST wear goggles and closed-toe shoes to participate in lab. Failing to follow rules will cause removal from the lab and a zero on the assignment!
Extra Help Available before and after school Lions Time Make prior arrangements with me You can always me questions at night and I will respond back
Consequence Ladder
Redo Policy Students will be afforded redo opportunities on assignments/assessments based upon the overall class performance on those assignments/assessments, but individual students may discuss the possibility of a redo with his/her teacher. DO NOT ask to redo a test while taking a test
A word about academic integrity … Don’t Cheat, Don’t Cheat, Don’t Cheat
Syllabus Signature Visit the website with your parent/guardian Click on the link that says Electronic Syllabus Signature Form Complete the form with your parent/guardian DUE: Friday August 28
Finish Bubble Lab Questions
Exit Ticket Write down one question you have about this chemistry class (Policies, concerns, something you want to learn) and place it on Ms. Ose’s desk. Get to know you questions: If you had a vending machine in your bedroom that could dispense only one item, what would it be? Would you rather get rid of all the bad drivers on the road or never have to wait in line at stores or restaurants?