Vision Statement We Value - An organization culture based upon both individual strengths and relationships in which learners flourish in an environment of collaboration, freedom of expression, high expectation and relationships We Commit to - Continually refining our efforts to provide educational equity and high expectations for all students as we prepare them for success in college, career and beyond We Believe - In developing and nurturing all of our students and staff through continuously creating conditions that promote rigor, relevance and relationships through our organization Mission Statement We promote rigor, relevance and relationships. We continually refine our organization so that all learners have the opportunity to think critically, establish relationships, collaborate and communicate effectively as we prepare them for success in college, career and beyond. A COMPREHENSIVE LEARNING FRAMEWORK Shared Leadership & Reciprocal Accountability Establishing Processes to Support Success SUPPORT COMPONENTS INCLUDED IN THE FRAMEWORK Improvement Plans Robust school and district improvement templates and guidelines are provided in the framework. These guidelines are grounded in the categories from The Leadership and Learning Center’s research based planning implementation and planning ™Rubric Data Team Data Teams are collaborative teacher- based teams that are described in the Framework. They design and implement scaffolded units of instruction; they also generate and analyze common formative assessments aligned with these units of instruction in order to determine student mastery of standards. Evaluation System Precise procedures for dynamic, multi- dimensional teaching and leadership evaluation systems are described in the Framework. These systems include performance continuums, professional growth plans, and coaching protocols Rigorous Curriculum The Framework describes the dimensions of a rigorous curriculum, which is anchored on prioritized CCSS. The curriculum includes format and informal assessments, suggests effective research-based strategies, develops units of study that follow logical learning progression, and embeds differentiated learning experiences. Professional Learning The Framework provides guidance for deeply embedded professional development practices that include theoretical knowledge, modeling, practice, feedback, reteaching and coaching Communication Protocols The Framework guides specifically outlined procedures fro frequent and effective communication (internal and external) focused on school and district progress. Celebration and Support Plan The Framework provides specific criteria and protocols for recognizing and guiding the effective implementation of strategies to ensure the achievement of goals. Strategic Goals: Prepare students, transitional kindergarten through twelfth grade, for college and career. Learn continuously to ensure college and career ready students. Maintain safe and innovative environments that foster learning. Engage parents and community in the process of student learning. Align fiscal resources to support student learning. Word into Action Classroom Teacher STUDENTS WHO ARE SELF-DIRECTED LEARNERS – COLLEGE AND CAREER READY Instructional & District Dept. Data Teams School & District Dept. Leadership Teams Guiding Coalition Evidence of Student Learning System-Wide Performance Indicators: Large-scale indicators measure the district’s progress toward the achievement of system-side strategic goals. School & District Dept. Performance Indicators: Performance indicators measures the impact of school/district department strategies included in improvement plans. These indicators reflect both adult implementation and student achievement results. They are used to make midcourse adjustments as needed to school-wide strategies. Common Formative Assessments: Common formative assessments are generated and analyzed by Data Teams to measure student mastery of priority standards within specific units of instruction. Teachers use these assessment results to inform instructional decisions and to determine appropriate interventions. Classroom Assessments: Classroom formative assessment (Informal and Formal) serve as frequent indicators of individual student mastery of priority standards. Student use these results to set learning goals, and teachers use the results to guide their daily instructional practices..