1 Learning is …… A change in behaviour as a result of experience or practice A change in behaviour as a result of experience or practice The acquisition of knowledge / knowledge gained through study The acquisition of knowledge / knowledge gained through study To gain knowledge of, or skill in, something through study, teaching, instruction or experience To gain knowledge of, or skill in, something through study, teaching, instruction or experience A process by which behaviour is changed, shaped or controlled A process by which behaviour is changed, shaped or controlled The individual process of constructing understanding based on experience from a wide range of sources The individual process of constructing understanding based on experience from a wide range of sources (adapted from Pritchard, 2005, p.2)
2 Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs (Maslow, 1943)
3 A RECENT VIEW Intelligence The Learning Culture Neurological Factors The Individual as a Learner Health & Well-being Family & Community Social Relationships Effective Learning West-Burnham & Coates (2005)
4 Links to the Every Child Matters agenda. 5 outcomes (remember SHEEP!) Children: stay Safe stay Safe are Healthy are Healthy Enjoy and achieve Enjoy and achieve achieve Economic and social well-being achieve Economic and social well-being make a Positive contribution make a Positive contribution (Every Child Matters: Change for Children in Schools DfES 2004) (Every Child Matters: Change for Children in Schools DfES 2004)
5 Independent Study Task Use your reflective journal to recall memories of yourself. Consider significant learning points and different types of learning e.g. learning to ride a bicycle compared with learning a foreign language or learning to read Use your reflective journal to recall memories of yourself. Consider significant learning points and different types of learning e.g. learning to ride a bicycle compared with learning a foreign language or learning to read Make a note of any significant figure who you think influenced your learning- be prepared to share your thoughts with a small group next week. Make a note of any significant figure who you think influenced your learning- be prepared to share your thoughts with a small group next week. Background reading for this module - read Sotto, E. (1994) “ The Learning Process”, Chapter 3 in Sotto, E. When Teaching Becomes Learning, London, Cassell- in the reading pack. Background reading for this module - read Sotto, E. (1994) “ The Learning Process”, Chapter 3 in Sotto, E. When Teaching Becomes Learning, London, Cassell- in the reading pack.
6 Bibliography See handbook. See handbook. Also: Also: Cheminais, R. Every Child Matters: A Practical Guide for Teachers. London: David Fulton Cheminais, R. Every Child Matters: A Practical Guide for Teachers. London: David Fulton DfES (2004) Every Child Matters: Change for Children in Schools. London DfES DfES (2004) Every Child Matters: Change for Children in Schools. London DfES West-Burnham, J. & Coates, M (2005) Personalizing Learning : Transforming education for every child. Stafford: Network Press West-Burnham, J. & Coates, M (2005) Personalizing Learning : Transforming education for every child. Stafford: Network Press