Equity in Learning: Role of Teachers (I dream….but with a heavy dose of pragmatism) Dhir Jhingran January 29 th 2014
The conclusion Truism that changes in teacher beliefs and attitudes are crucial for changing practice (equity focus) However, given the present teacher education system, this is aspirational…… An interim, imperfect approach to introducing some equity in teaching-learning process for early literacy/language development
Equitable teaching-learning process Teacher beliefs and attitudes are crucial for changing practice (equity focus) Belief that all children can participate, learn and achieve in the classroom
Equitable teaching-learning process Important dimensions – valuing and respecting children’s identities, experiences, cultures and languages and using these as resources within the classroom; – being aware of each child and the diverse learning styles of children; – linking new learning with children’s experiences; – having high expectations of all children irrespective of their background
Equitable teaching-learning process Some would also include: Teaching students to be critical and questioning issues relating to power, status, inequality--critical literacy THE DREAM ………… These demanding principles and behaviours are (probably) highly central to any effort at bringing about a sustained change in the teaching- learning process in primary classrooms, making it more student-centred and equity-oriented
Equitable teaching-learning process Can our Teacher Education system initiate a dialogic process with teachers around beliefs, attitudes and behaviour related to children and their learning process, understanding of diversity and social inequalities, and instilling a commitment to inclusive classroom pedagogy?
Why is Reading Crucial for Equity Language plays a crucial role in ‘learning’. It is a vehicle for thought processes, ‘understanding’ & communication It is the key to all future learning: the foundation of equitable learning in later years Ensuring that all students in grades 1-3 learn to read well with a deep understanding is the strongest intervention for equitable quality High disparities in early grades that widen
Focus on student learning Student learning as entry point for discussion on equity in the classroom Learning enhancement agenda meaningless without the equity dimension Low means & high variance
CompetencyRajasthan Naming letters (per minute) (13.87) Familiar word reading (pm) 6.13 (10.41) Oral reading accuracy (60 words) (19.59) Oral Comprehension (6 questions) 0.77 (1.61) Dictation-simple words 1.18 (Out of 11) Beginning of Grade 2: High variance Inter-school Intra-class
Low Reading Levels & High Variance (Grade 2) 11
Disparity in learning Family environment Systemic issues Classroom teaching-learning process (overall quality and equity focus)
Why are reading outcomes low and varied? Let’s look at some language classrooms: Active engagement (time-on-task) MOV02138.MPG MOV02138.MPG Understanding of reading CHORAL.MPG MOV02223.MPG MOV02248.MPG CHORAL.MPGMOV02223.MPGMOV02248.MPG Supporting children who are struggling to read
Equitable reading achievements: A pragmatic (imperfect) approach Effective equity-oriented strategies for teaching of language and reading: All children reading Experiential training methodology and regular dialogue/consultation with teachers Education system attaches high value to improvement in reading skills of all children (and reduction in disparity) and reinforces/supports changed practice Why does it work?
Effective practices for teaching reading (equity) A general overhaul of language teaching- learning practice Adjusting teaching to students’ reading levels Oral language development throughout the year Reading-aloud and discussion (interactive reading)
Effective practices for teaching reading Access to a variety of graded and interesting reading materials in the classroom, motivating students to read and dedicated reading time Differentiated, small-group instruction for some time each day Allowing adequate time for practice, revision and consolidation Focused attention to struggling readers
Effective practices for teaching reading…… Scaffolding for new skills/tasks Regular assessment and feedback during the course of teaching Summer camps, books during holidays and remedial teaching, if needed Parental involvement Specific strategies for diverse language situations Middle ground between prescriptive, ‘teacher- proof’ models and complete autonomy
Beliefs about ‘learning to read’ Reading is not natural (unlike speaking) Children need not learn all letters before they are ‘allowed’ to read Storybooks are very useful in developing motivation and fluency in reading Comprehension is the only goal of reading Oral language development is the foundation of reading
Effective professional learning Good practices in in-service training Continuous professional learning opportunities Regular consultation with teachers Working with school heads (on quality and equity)
System Support Facilitating implementation of effective reading/language teaching strategies Conveying a strong message about the system’s expectation of improved reading outcomes for all students Other administrative support
Conclusion Disparity in learning: Need to focus on equity in teaching-learning process A good starting point is the development of strong reading skills and language development for all children in early primary grades It is important to overhaul the language teaching practice and promote strategies for equitable and active learning by all students
Conclusion These teaching-learning strategies can be encouraged and supported through high- quality teacher professional development programmes and systemic support for changed classroom practice and equitable reading outcomes