TAXII SC Call 9/8/2015
Agenda Administrivia Survey Recap Discussion Recap Protocol Discussion Slack channel Month Ahead
Administrivia Meeting schedule: Meeting is always at 4pm ET on the 2 nd Tuesday of the Month This has been scheduled in the OASIS calendar for the next 12 months Objections or comments?
Survey Recap 35 Responses TAXII works ~45% of respondents have successfully deployed TAXII beyond PoC ~54% of respondents feel comfortable explaining TAXII 1.1 to a co-worker TAXII can get better ~28% of respondents say TAXII meets their needs Respondents want native HTTP/REST and JSON Query is a pain point for many Other technical improvements and clarifications Authentication/Authorization, subscriptions, etc
Discussion Recap Use Cases and Requirements Brainstorm ~49 requirements, ~18 use cases (Varied quality/thoroughness) New landing page: Two new proposals: Group Based, and Incremental Change Protocol discussion (Hearing mostly opinions for HTTP) Implementation-level discussion
Use Case Discussion Please review existing use-cases on the TAXII Wiki Please give us your comments, ideas, and feedback Directly on the wiki Sending them to the list Sending them to us privately Use cases will be coordinated across the full TC May form the basis for an OASIS Work Product?
Protocol Discussion Heard a lot of support for HTTP, not much support for alternatives Is there a strawman consensus, or do we need further deliberation? “Strawman consensus” means we will move forward with a given protocol This also means that if we figure out later that it does not meet the requirements or proves to be too difficult to use, we will reopen this discussion. So this is not an irreversible decision, but should be considered our direction unless compelling information comes out later that warrants us to revisit this discussion and therei is a general consensus to do so. Suggestions were: HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, ZMTP, AMQP 0.9, AMQP 1.0, MQTT, SMTP Thank you to Jane Ginn for the Google Docs spreadsheet
Month Ahead Work toward a shared vision Proposals are similar, need to identify similarities/differences Coordinate and mature the use cases Enable “lookahead” discussions while focusing on “current state” discussions Keep raising questions Thank you to Joep and Sergey for asking the hard questions!
Slack Channel Set up by a TAXII SC member for piloting purposes Wild west of crazy ideas, super high bandwidth Anyone can join, let us know if you want an invite
End Slide Questions / Comments / Thoughts?