The First Cosmic Explosions Daniel Whalen McWilliams Fellow Carnegie Mellon University Chris Fryer, Lucy Frey LANL Candace Joggerst UCSC/LANL
~ 200 pc Cosmological Halo z ~ 20
Transformation of the Halo Whalen, Abel & Norman 2004, ApJ, 610, 14
Chemical Mixing Prior to Breakout Joggerst & Whalen 2010, ApJ in prep PISN Core Collapse SN Joggerst, Whalen, et al 2010, ApJ, 709, 11
Reverse ShockCollision with the Shell Primordial SNe in Relic H II Regions Whalen, Van Veelen, O’Shea & Norman ApJ 2008, 682,49
Late Radiative PhaseFallback Primordial SNe in Neutral Halos
Conclusions I elemental yields of primordial SNe depend on both explosive nucleosynthesis and mixing and fallback within the star metals mix with primordial gas on 3 characteristic spatial scales in primordial SNe (inside the star, pc and pc) Salpeter-type IMF averages of solar mass Pop III core-collapse SNe are the best fit to EMP star abundances thus far, although considerable work remains metal and dust cooling in Pop III SNe remnants may lead to prompt second star formation
LANL Pop III Supernova Light Curve Effort Whalen, Fryer & Frey, ApJ 2010a,b, in prep LANL ASC code RAGE (Radiation Adaptive Grid Eulerian) 1D RTP AMR radiation hydrodynamics with grey/multigroup FLD and Implicit Monte Carlo transport 2T models (radiation and matter not assumed to be at the same temperature) PISN, core-collapse, and hypernova models post process rad hydro profiles to obtain spectra and light curves
Post Processing Includes Detailed LANL Opacities but the atomic levels are assumed to be in equilibrium, a clear approximation
PISN Shock Breakout X-rays (< 1 keV) transient (a few hours in the local frame)
Spectra at Breakout The spectra evolve rapidly as the front cools
Long-Term Light Curve Evolution
Late Time Spectra spectral features after breakout may enable us to distinguish between PISN and CC SNe larger parameter study with well-resolved photospheres is now in progress
Roadmap Ahead current models are grey FLD; next step is multigroup FLD and then multigroup IMC advance from 1D RTP AMR calculations to 2D cartesian AMR grids incorporate mixing from 2D models to simulate core-collapse SNe ( solar mass stars, hypernovae) implement non-equilibrium opacities investigate progenitor environments on LC and spectra (LBV brightening?) explore asymmetric explosion mechanisms evolve toward 2D AMR IMC rad hydro with thousands of frequency bins -- eliminate post processing
Conclusions II PISN will be visible to JWST out to z ~ ; strong lensing may enable their detection out to z ~ 20 (Holz, Whalen & Fryer 2010 ApJ in prep) dedicated ground-based followup with 30-meter class telescopes for primordial SNe spectroscopy discrimination between Pop III PISN and Pop III CC SNe will be challenging but offers the first direct constraints on the Pop III IMF complementary detection of Pop III PISN remnants by the SZ effect may be possible (Whalen, Bhattacharya & Holz 2010, ApJ in prep)