ePort at IUPUI Presentation to the Enrollment Management Committee November 19, 2004 Sharon J. Hamilton
What this presentation will address What is ePort? How does it help students? How much work will it be for faculty? How much work will it be for students? How do we know it’s worthwhile? How does it operate? What is the timeline?
What is ePort ePort is a tool for students to collect, organize, and reflect on their work. ePort is built into the Oncourse environment for ease of access and resource building. The primary goal of ePort is to document and enhance student learning at IUPUI.
Current definition of ePort A collection of purposefully organized artifacts that support retrospective and prospective reflection and which document, augment, and assess student learning over time.
ePort Goals Empower students Access all learning resources anywhere, anyplace, anytime Work smarter and more efficiently Discover and demonstrate logical pathways to academic success Enable faculty Partner in students’ progress Provide rich content w/ greater ease Enrich learning experiences Through learning across courses and co-curricular activities and meaningful connections in the community and work.
How does it help students? It provides a continuously accessible repository for all completed student work. It enables students to construct customized resumes and presentations of their learning achievements. It enables students to document and deepen their learning over time.
How will students be introduced and supported? Orientation First year learning communities/TLCs Gateway courses Courses required for programs and professional schools Department curricular decisions Capstones Transfers
How will it influence faculty workload? First year learning communities & TLCs. Introduce ePort; Explicitly reference PUL(s) in assignments; Help with reflection; Require completion of one cell. Faculty teaching first year courses. Explicitly reference PUL(s) in assignments; Encourage students to upload completed assignments; Require completion of one cell if appropriate
Faculty workload continued Faculty teaching integrator courses: Explicitly reference PUL(s) in assignments; Encourage students to upload completed assignments; Require completion of one cell if appropriate Faculty teaching capstones: Consider including ePort completion with reference to the major as part of the capstone experience (likely a departmental decision) All other faculty: Explicitly reference PUL(s) in assignments; Encourage students to upload completed assignments; Consider completion of one cell as part of course work (but only if appropriate for your course)
How will it influence student workload? First year Learning about ePort as part of Oncourse and as major tool for documenting learning related to the PULs; Learning the basics: how to upload and organize documents, and how to write a reflection; Completion of introductory level Department and program level This will be dependent upon faculty decisions in each department and will likely evolve with time to meet the needs of each major.
Who decides about ePort use Your students: All students will have access to the ePort in the fall of First year students will have ePort use incorporated into their learning communities. Your department: Each department will make its own decisions about ePort in relation to department learning goals.,
Who provides support? For students? Online tutorials UITS classes HELP in Oncourse 274-HELP For faculty? Online tutorials OPD: workshops; sessions; grant programs 274-HELP
Reflection in ePort Our definition: Reflecting involves connecting evidence of learning to expectations for learning to discover and describe intellectual change. Elements of reflection: Evidence Connections Intellectual growth
What motivation is there for students to write and submit reflections? Required for course Required for entry to chosen program Interest in feedback about learning Desire to improve understanding Possibility of using reviews in their resumes and presentations
Time/level/Linear Criteria Objects Multi-dimensional Assessment Model Aggregate (Reports)
Communication Skills Critical Thinking Integration & Application of Knowledge Understanding Society &Culture Values & Ethics Etc …. Intro Intermed Adv. Exper Artifact reflect Crs grade assess interact Crs grade assess interact Crs grade assess interact Crs grade assess interact All reflections for each criterion on a specific level Time/level/Linear Objects Criteria Aggregate (Reports) Multi-dimensional Assessment Model
LSLS Common Services(OKI) Educational Services User Interface AuthnAuthz DBMS Workflow Logging Index/SearchMessaging Calendaring FMS*HRMS * SIS* DB ETC Securit y Storag e Gl Actions Group tools Digital Repository Director y Assessment Workspace * FMS = Financial Management System; SIS = Student Information System; HRMS = Human Resource Management System Stand Alone Implementation JSR-168 Portal OSP v2 Management Core Services Core Access Repository Admin Profile Presentation Scaffolding Transaction Reports
ePort Timeline Fall 04 - limited beta to IUPUI TLC community Spring 05 - limited release to select IU groups Summer/Fall 05 - Full release of existing software For more information, please visit