بنام خدا
LYSOSOMES -Surrounded by a single membrane. -Derived (buds of) from Golgi apparatus. -Contains degradative enzymes for digesting foreign bodies, cellular wastes and other toxins.
PRIMARY LYSOSOME - is a membrane bounded sac that buds off from the GA apparatus SECONDARY LYSOSOME - is a primary lysosome that fuses/ phagocytosis with any solid material in the cell (e.g. organelle or bacteria)
Golgi complex vesicles from ER vesicles leaving Golgi complex
Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes Break down old cell parts
Cytoskeleton Functions Support and shape cell Anchor many organelles Move substances from one part of the cell to another Enable cell division Enable cell movement
CYTOSKELETON - A dynamic internal framework/ scaffolding FUNCTION; 1. Contributes to cell shape 2. Coordinates cytoplasm and its components (e.g. act in cell division, muscle movement) - Composed of 3 elements: 1.MICROTUBULES 2.MICROFILAMENTS 3.INTERMEDIATE FILAMENTS