The Civil War “Division within the Union”
Journal What does the term “civil war” mean? Think of a time you got in a fight or verbal argument. Why did it occur? What finally ended it?
Overview of Civil War: Called the War of Rebellion, War Between the states, and War of Northern Aggression. Which areas would have called it which?
Was really a war between two cultures, regions, and societal values. One in the north and one in the south.
Differences Between the North and South Ancestry: North –English, production, and perfection South –Scotts, Irish. Viewed as lazy, more into community and less into progression.
Production North: –Industrial Revolution Production through invention and new methods Development of new roads, canals, buildings. (Infrastructure) Factory Workers, Manufacturing.
South feared this.
Southern Production –Produce more by getting more slaves. –Spend money on slaves and churches rather than infrastructure.
Relaxing nature of Southern life.
Labor question from the southern point of view.
As a result: North has great wealth and production possibilities. Strong infrastructure, to move goods and troops. South has lots of labor, but little wealth and depends on North and Britain to buy its primary resources.
Educational Differences North: –More days of school, longer days. Set standards for grade levels and teaching requirements. “Most literate place on earth” South: –Little public education. “You want a teacher hire one!” –Concerned about teaching morals and religion.
Religious Differences North: –Fear (xenophobia) of Catholics. Viewed them as drunks and corruptors of society. Large protestant population. South: –Strong Catholic heritage. Baptist, community revolved around religion. Used it to justify slavery.
Societal Differences “South” South: only 25% of whites owned slaves Planters (Large Farms) –Smallest group, owned at least 20 slaves, the rich who ran society. Yeomen (Small farmers) –Largest group, owned few if any slaves. Poor Whites –Don’t own property or slaves. **Slaves keep them from being at bottom of society. Slaves –4 million, most lived on plantations.
Societal Differences North: –Radical Society Abolitionist: Wanted an end to all slavery Temperance: Removal of alcohol from society Large working class: Children and women in the factories. Women: Start taking a active role in society.
Child Labor
Abolitionist: –Sojourner Truth –Frederick Douglas Even advised Lincoln!! –John Brown –Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad
Cartoon Illustrating Abolitionism
The Issue of Slavery “North” Many politicians had slaves at one time. Lincoln didn’t see slavery as an issue worth going to war for. Wanted to prevent slavery in western states joining the union.
The Issue of Slavery “South” Saw slavery as a “Necessary Evil” Poor whites saw a freed “negro” as competition. Used religion and science to justify slavery. Believed it was a issue worth going to war over.
Slave Trade
Slave Auction
Slave Trade
Preventing slave rebellion
Slave Rebellion
Nat Turner 40 slave force Killed 55 white men. Nat Sentenced to death. ***200 blacks murdered by white mobs afterwards***
Pro-Slavery Posters
Civil War Medicine Movie 1.) What types of new medical techniques are developed during the Civil War? 2.) What are the differences between northern and southern medicine? 3.) What role does medicine have within the Civil War? 4.) What were the most common injuries and reasons for death during the Civil War? 5.) How does the Civil War help to advance our medical knowledge in the United States?