Civil War A Brief Overview
Quick Recap January The South Secedes February The South Creates a Government March Lincoln's Inauguration April Attack on Fort Sumter April Four More States Join the Confederacy
Quick Recap June West Virginia Is Born June Four Slave States Stay in the Union Question: What did Lincoln impose on two of these Four Pro-Slavery Border States? Martial Law, Imprisonment of pro-slavery legislators (Maryland) and Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus
North vs. South Sizing up Billy Yank to Johnny Reb
Strengths North - More Railroad Lines - More Factories - Better Economy - Functional Government - Trained Army/Navy - 2/3 of Population South - Top Generals - Home field Advantage - 7 of 8 Military Colleges - Reason to fight: Preserve self-rule/state’s rights, protect their homes
Weaknesses North - On the offense - Did not know the territory - Very bad leaders South - Poorly equipped - Lack of factories to produce war needs - Small army/navy - Of the 9 million people in the South, 4 million were not slaves
Strategies Blockade all Southern Ports and Shipping Routes Anaconda Plan Seize Mississippi River and strangle the rebellion Run Defense War of Attrition - inflict continuous losses on the enemy to wear down their strength
Timeline July First Battle of Bull Run Confederates beat Union September Antietam Bloodiest Day of the War 5,000 dead and 18,000 wounded
Timeline January Emancipation Proclamation March The First Conscription Act June-July Gettysburg Campaign July Confederate Troops Approach Washington, D.C.