Where can we find bacteria?


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Presentation transcript:

Where can we find bacteria?

How can you find bacteria? You can’t see it, so how do you find it? Under the right conditions, bacteria grows very fast, exponentially Some bacteria populations can double every 10 minutes Bacteria grow in colonies – a colony is a visible mass of bacterial growth on solid medium that developed from 1 or a few cells A colony can contain millions of cells We can find bacteria by growing it in the right conditions until it is visible to the human eye

Growing/culturing bacteria Conditions – temperature, light Agar – source of nutrients for growth From Malay word “agar-agar” meaning jelly Gelatinous substance made from seaweed Ingredient used in Japanese desserts

Lab Today We’ll look for bacteria around the classroom and school Track your cultures Infer good conditions for bacterial growth

How to Sample Bacteria Get a Petri dish 2 Samples 3 Samples 4 Samples Get a Petri dish With a marker, divide it into 2, 3, or 4 equal parts

How to Sample Bacteria Write on the bottom side (side with the agar) Write small and around the edge so you can see the bacteria growing later Decide where you will sample and label your Petri dish accordingly

How to Sample Bacteria Get a sterile swab – don’t touch the cotton end Swab the area to be tested Open your Petri dish carefully and swab the cotton in the specified area on the agar Close the Petri dish quickly Get a new swab for each sample When done, close the Petri dish and use scotch tape to seal the sides Put the Petri dish upside down in a dark, warm place

Photo Credits Slide 1 (Title): http://www.norcalblogs.com/ and http://biology.clc.uc.edu/Fankhauser/Labs/Microbiology/Coliform_assays/Plates_with_Colonies/Ohio_River_0.2mL_MaC_P8011311.jpg Slide 3: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Agar_Plate.jpg and masak-masak.blogspot.com/ 2007_09_01_archive.html Slide 5: http://www3.moe.edu.sg/edumall/tl/digital_resources/biology/images/plastic_petri_dish.jpg Slide 6: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Agar_Plate.jpg