Chapter Twenty-One Lecture Two The Odyssey Continued.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Twenty-One Lecture Two The Odyssey Continued

Odysseus A different kind of hero Trickster, folk hero Like “Captain Kirk... the only cadet ever to have beaten the "no-win" Kobayashi Maru scenario, which he does by cheating the program

The Passages Books 1–4: about Telemachus in Ithaka; the Telemacheia Books 5–12: Odysseus tells his story while a guest at the Phaeacians Books 13–20: In Ithaca in disguise Books 21–3: killing of the suitors; reunion with Penelope Book 24: End to Odysseus’s travels

Lotus Eaters | Polyphemus Lotus Eaters –First of the threats to his purpose – make him forget about his duty and purpose –Star Trek (TOS) “This Side of Paradise” (VHS Cassette) Polyphemus –Comparison with civilized peoples –Shows both Odysseus’s cleverness and his rashness

Other Adventures Aeolus –The disobedience of his men Laestrygonians –A folktale doublet for the Phaeacians and Nausicaä Circê –Another threat to his duty

After his visit to the underworld Sirens –Another threat to his duty Scylla and Charybdis –Problems of leadership Cattle of Helius –Disobedience of his men Calypso –Final threat to his duty

Alone Odysseus’s tales in the Odyssey begin here The gods finally agree that Odysseus must return home They send Hermes to Calypso ordering his release He is washed up on Scheria and rescued by Nausicaä, the princess

Key Moments At Ithaca Argus Euryclea Battle with the Suitors The final test: the bed Continuation: –The final duty –The deus ex machina
