By : Megan Leahy 12/4 = = =27 12x4=48
Web site includes: Lessons/ Practice Geometry/ Art Math Games Puzzles Other Fun For teachers, parents and students.
Coolmath's Addition Lessons Know their basics about math Get better at doing addition in their head without counting on their fingers Lesson Plans on how improve on math skills
Basic Lesson Plans Lesson 1: A parent-kid math lesson How Addition WorksHow Addition Works Lesson 2:A beginner's lesson using sets A parent-kid math lesson Yardstick ArithmeticYardstick Arithmetic Lesson 3:Learning to see addition in your head so you don't have to count on your fingers Place Value ReviewPlace Value Review Lesson 4: Getting ready for two digit addition Two Digit AdditionTwo Digit Addition
Lesson 5:Easy - with no regrouping (carrying) Two Digit AdditionTwo Digit Addition Lesson 6: Learning how to regroup (carry) Three Digit AdditionThree Digit Addition Lesson 7: How to add really big numbers Scratch Addition A cool way to add lots of numbersScratch Addition
This website is to help students who are having trouble learning math have fun and learn at the same time. The different activities on this website are very helpful practice activities for students.