Week 4 Emily Hand UNR
Basic Tracking Framework Template Tracking – Manually Select Template – Correlation tracking Densely scan frame and compute histograms. – 100 negative samples and 1 positive sample – The SVM classifier is updated with each frame. (LibSVM) Basic Idea – Tracker and Detector are independent
SVM Densely scan the neighborhood – Create Score Map – Determine location of object in frame Retrain SVM – Positive Examples All previous templates – Negative Samples Top 100 false positives Create a score map from the entire frame
Some Results
TLD Tracker Implementation in OpenCV/Matlab PN Learning – Lucas Kanade Tracker is used Returns a Confidence – Trajectory correct if confidence>80% – P-constraints: all patches close to validated trajectory have positive label – N-constraints: all patches in surrounding of validated trajectory have negative label – These samples are used to update the detector unless there is a strong detection far away from the track Tracker reinitialized and collected samples are discarded
Problems Occlusion – Handled pretty well Appearance Changes (What we want to work on) – Initial Idea Use background and non-targets as negative samples When tracker fails due to appearance change, the target will be a non-negative sample in the neighborhood
Next Week Adaboost – Implement the Adaboost detector for our template tracking system Explore initial idea – Test out different methods for dealing with appearance changes