TM Project web site Presented by Colleen Cook June 26, 2004 Orlando, FL ALA
American English All Faculty & Students FIVE MOST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 8.29 (1.23)67,381IC02Making elec resources access 8.25 (1.24)64,500IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll r 8.24 (1.20)68,530IC05Lib Web site enabling locate 8.23 (1.17)67,698IC14Mod equip lets me easily acce 8.18 (1.19)67,929IC16Easy access tools allow find
American English All Faculty & Students FIVE LEAST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 7.81 (1.44)65,981AS13Employees deal with users in a c 7.77 (1.63)65,071LP08Quiet space for individual activ 7.50 (1.57)65,330AS01Employees instill confidence in 7.24 (1.96)58,737LP21Comm space for group learning an 7.23 (1.73)66,188AS04Giving users individual atten
American English Faculty Only FIVE MOST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 8.48 (1.03)12,626IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll r 8.42 (1.13)12,778IC02Making elec resources access 8.41 (1.08)12,912IC05Lib Web site enabling locate 8.36 (1.10)12,875IC10The elec info resources I nee 8.31 (1.07)12,824IC16Easy access tools allow find
American English Faculty Only FIVE LEAST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 7.47 (1.71)12,073LP12A comfortable and inviting lo 7.35 (1.91)11,781LP03Lib space that inspires study 7.30 (2.03)11,166LP17A getaway for study, learning, o 7.10 (2.06)10,887LP08Quiet space for individual activ 6.17 (2.41) 8,796LP21Comm space for group learning an
American English Grad Students Only FIVE MOST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 8.48 (1.04)17,560IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll r 8.48 (1.05)17,908IC02Making elec resources access 8.41 (1.03)18,068IC10The elec info resources I nee 8.40 (1.06)18,156IC05Lib Web site enabling locate 8.33 (1.08)17,798IC14Mod equip lets me easily acce
American English Grad Students Only FIVE LEAST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 7.75 (1.62)17,306LP03Lib space that inspires study 7.73 (1.65)16,864LP08Quiet space for individual activ 7.55 (1.55)17,092AS01Employees instill confidence in 7.30 (1.69)17,370AS04Giving users individual atten 7.02 (2.05)14,589LP21Comm space for group learning an
American English Undergrad Only FIVE MOST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 8.18 (1.21)37,324IC14Mod equip lets me easily acce 8.15 (1.32)36,695IC02Making elec resources access 8.11 (1.29)37,462IC05Lib Web site enabling locate 8.07 (1.26)37,176IC16Easy access tools allow find 8.04 (1.36)34,314IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll r
American English Undergrad Only FIVE LEAST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 7.80 (1.43)36,132AS13Employees deal with users in a c 7.78 (1.41)35,520AS15Employees understand the needs o 7.59 (1.66)35,352LP21Comm space for group learning an 7.37 (1.58)35,742AS01Employees instill confidence in 7.04 (1.78)36,158AS04Giving users individual atten
American English All Faculty & Students FIVE WORST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem ‑.06 (2.22)64,500IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll require.13 (2.08)64,758IC07The printed lib materials I need fo.28 (1.93)67,929IC16Easy access tools allow find things.28 (1.98)67,691IC10The elec info resources I need.29 (2.20)67,381IC02Making elec resources access home o
American English All Faculty & Students FIVE BEST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.68 (1.85)66,014AS18Willingness to help users.72 (1.91)65,981AS13Employees deal with users in a cari.80 (2.38)58,737LP21Comm space for group learning and g.81 (1.95)66,188AS04Giving users individual attention.84 (1.94)65,330AS01Employeesinstill confidence in user
American English Faculty Only FIVE WORST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem ‑.70 (2.27)12,626IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll require ‑.30 (2.21)12,474IC07The printed lib materials I need fo ‑.11 (2.01)12,912IC05A lib Web site enabling locate info ‑.09 (2.05)12,875IC10The elec info resources I need ‑.07 (2.21)12,778IC02Making elec resources access home o
American English Faculty Only FIVE BEST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.73 (2.25)12,073LP12A comfortable and inviting location.79 (1.83)12,660AS04Giving users individual attention.82 (1.93)12,496AS01Employeesinstill confidence in user.83 (1.84)12,523AS13Employees deal with users in a cari 1.10 (2.45) 8,796LP21Comm space for group learning and g
American English Grad Students Only FIVE WORST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem ‑.37 (2.18)17,560IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll require ‑.02 (2.07)16,953IC07The printed lib materials I need fo ‑.01 (2.00)18,068IC10The elec info resources I need.07 (2.18)17,908IC02Making elec resources access home o.10 (1.96)18,156IC05A lib Web site enabling locate info
American English Grad Students Only FIVE BEST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.65 (1.83)17,361AS18Willingness to help users.69 (1.90)17,326AS13Employees deal with users in a cari.82 (1.95)17,092AS01Employeesinstill confidence in user.82 (2.43)14,589LP21Comm space for group learning and g.82 (1.91)17,370AS04Giving users individual attention
American English Undergrad Only FIVE WORST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.34 (2.14)34,314IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll require.35 (2.01)35,331IC07The printed lib materials I need fo.43 (2.30)37,320LP08Quiet space for individual activiti.44 (1.95)37,176IC16Easy access tools allow find things.46 (2.26)37,564LP03Lib space that inspires study and l
American English Undergrad Only FIVE BEST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.70 (1.94)36,132AS13Employees deal with users in a cari.70 (2.15)37,569LP12A comfortable and inviting location.72 (2.33)35,352LP21Comm space for group learning and g.81 (2.01)36,158AS04Giving users individual attention.85 (1.93)35,742AS01Employeesinstill confidence in user
British English All Faculty & Students FIVE MOST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 8.14 (1.33)18,410IC02Making elec resources access 8.13 (1.28)17,715IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll r 8.06 (1.22)18,860IC14Mod equip lets me easily acce 8.03 (1.28)18,946IC05Lib Web site enabling locate 7.99 (1.25)18,780IC16Easy access tools allow find
British English All Faculty & Students FIVE LEAST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 7.62 (1.49)18,793LP12AM/BR A comfortable and inviting lo 7.45 (1.47)18,616AS01BR Lib staff who instill confidence 7.44 (1.53)18,437AS13BR Lib staff who deal with users in 6.99 (2.05)16,822LP21BR Space for group learning and gro 6.84 (1.74)18,643AS04AM/BR Giving users individual atten
British English Faculty Only FIVE MOST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 8.53 (.94)2,000IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll r 8.42 (1.13)2,013IC02Making elec resources access 8.38 (1.07)2,032IC10The elec info resources I nee 8.35 (1.09)2,043IC05Lib Web site enabling locate 8.22 (1.10)2,019IC16Easy access tools allow find
British English Faculty Only FIVE LEAST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 7.25 (1.94)1,861LP03Lib space that inspires study 7.21 (1.61)1,976AS04Giving users individual atten 7.11 (1.85)1,907LP12A comfortable and inviting lo 6.98 (2.19)1,717LP08Quiet space for individual work 5.32 (2.67)1,312LP21Space for group learning and gro
British English Grad Students Only FIVE MOST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 8.30 (1.20)4,068IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll r 8.26 (1.25)4,111IC02Making elec resources access 8.21 (1.17)4,198IC10The elec info resources I nee 8.15 (1.21)4,226IC05Lib Web site enabling locate 8.08 (1.23)4,195IC14Mod equip lets me easily acce
British English Grad Students Only FIVE LEAST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 7.58 (1.50)4,165LP12A comfortable and inviting lo 7.54 (1.45)4,139AS01Lib staff who instill confidence 7.48 (1.51)4,109AS13ib staff who deal with users in 7.07 (1.68)4,151AS04Giving users individual atten 6.64 (2.20)3,521LP21Space for group learning and gro
British English Undergrad Only FIVE MOST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 8.05 (1.37)12,286IC02Making elec resources access 8.04 (1.22)12,682IC14Mod equip lets me easily acce 8.00 (1.33)11,647IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll r 7.97 (1.40)12,757LP08Quiet space for individual work 7.97 (1.35)12,629LP17A haven for study, learning, or
British English Undergrad Only FIVE LEAST DESIRED Mean(SD)nItem 7.60 (1.43)11,201AS22Dependability handling users^ 7.43 (1.52)12,365AS13Lib staff who deal with users in 7.38 (1.46)12,500AS01Lib staff who instill confidence 7.28 (1.81)11,989LP21Space for group learning and gro 6.70 (1.76)12,516AS04Giving users individual atten
British English All Faculty & Students FIVE WORST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem ‑.38 (2.26)17,715IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll require ‑.35 (2.15)17,818IC07The printed lib materials I need fo ‑.34 (2.39)18,821LP03Lib space that inspires study and l ‑.32 (2.54)18,564LP08Quiet space for individual activiti ‑.20 (2.29)18,537LP17A getaway for study, learning, or r
British English All Faculty & Students FIVE BEST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.41 (2.17)18,851AS06Employees are consistently courteou.42 (1.84)18,335AS11Employees have knowledge to answer.47 (1.95)18,643AS04Giving users individual attention.51 (2.00)18,437AS13Employees deal with users in a cari.64 (1.92)18,616AS01Employees instill confidence in use
British English Faculty Only FIVE WORST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem ‑.85 (2.14)2,000IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll require ‑.35 (2.17)2,013IC02Making elec resources access home o ‑.35 (1.99)2,032IC10The elec info resources I need ‑.32 (2.10)1,878IC07The printed lib materials I need fo ‑.25 (2.51)1,861LP03Lib space that inspires study and l
British English Faculty Only FIVE BEST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.51 (1.79)1,987AS18Willingness to help users.52 (1.85)1,976AS04Giving users individual attention.63 (2.00)2,023AS06Employees are consistently courteou.67 (1.89)1,963AS13Employees deal with users in a cari.78 (1.88)1,977AS01Employees instill confidence in use
British English Grad Students Only FIVE WORST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem ‑.60 (2.33)4,068IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll require ‑.55 (2.63)4,090LP08Quiet space for individual activiti ‑.49 (2.43)4,151LP03Lib space that inspires study and l ‑.46 (2.18)3,994IC07The printed lib materials I need fo ‑.36 (2.35)4,099LP17A getaway for study, learning, or r
British English Grad Students Only FIVE BEST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.34 (1.85)4,103AS11Employees have knowledge to answer.40 (1.95)4,151AS04Giving users individual attention.40 (2.09)4,183AS06Employees are consistently courteou.48 (1.99)4,109AS13Employees deal with users in a cari.56 (1.94)4,139AS01Employees instill confidence in use
British English Undergrad Only FIVE WORST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem ‑.31 (2.15)11,946IC07The printed lib materials I need fo ‑.30 (2.36)12,809LP03Lib space that inspires study and l ‑.26 (2.49)12,757LP08Quiet space for individual activiti ‑.22 (2.23)11,647IC20Pr and/or elec journal coll require ‑.21 (2.66)11,989LP21Comm space for group learning and g
British English Undergrad Only FIVE BEST ADEQUACY Mean(SD)nItem.42 (1.99)12,677IC05A lib Web site enabling locate info.46 (1.85)12,241AS11Employees have knowledge to answer.48 (1.96)12,516AS04Giving users individual attention.49 (2.02)12,365AS13Employees deal with users in a cari.65 (1.91)12,500AS01Employees instill confidence in use
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