Introduction to Computer Science Kun-Mao Chao ( 趙坤茂 ) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan ( 台大資訊工程系 ) WWW:
About this course 計算機概論 (Introduction to Computer Science) Web site: Thursday 3:30 – 6:20 PM, 新生大樓 202 室 (11/13 在 201 室 ).
Outlines Introduction Data Representation Number Representation Operations on Bits Computer Organization Computer Networks Operating Systems Algorithms Programming Languages Software Engineering Data Structures Databases Other Advanced Topics
Grading policy Quizzes, homework assignments and class participation (25%) Three exams (25% each, 75% in total)
Textbook “Foundations of Computer Science – From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation,” Behrouz A. Forouzan, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2003 ISBN ( 歐亞書局代理, )
Reference books (not required) “Computer Science: An Overview” 7th Edition, J.Glenn Brookshear (Addison- Wesley), 2000, ISBN X “Computers-Tools for an information Age” H.L. Capron. and J.A. Johnson (7th Edition.), Prentice Hall 計算機概論 第四版 王孝熙等著 (2002 年 ) 東華書局
Please answer the following questions 1. 請寫下你的系級和姓名。 2. 請簡述你認知下的計算機。 3. 請敘述你曾有過的計算機經驗及技巧 ( 包 括你接觸過的作業系統及程式語言 ) 。 4. 你期待在這門課裡學到那些計算機相關的 知識呢? 5. 其他建議。