ABOUT THE COURSE Over the next two years you will be completing the AQA GCSE Computer Science course. The course comprises two main elements: A theory element and written exam Two practical projects that you will complete in year 11 This year we will focus on the theory elements of the course but will also complete some fun practical projects
ASSESSMENT – HOW WILL I BE GRADED? Assessment objectiveComputing fundamentals – The written Paper Practical programming (Task 1) Practical programming (Task 2) Knowledge and understanding 15-25% % Problem-solving and realisation %15-25% Analyses and evaluation10-20% % Total40%30%
PLAN FOR THIS TERM TermTopicNo. of Lessons Autumn Computer systems 3 Hardware 6 Bits and Bytes 6 Networks 1 Expressions and types 1 Variables and constants 1 Selection and search 3 Repetition and loops 3 Boolean operators 3 Arrays 3
EXERCISE BOOKS On the front of your exercise books can you please write: Your name The subject - Computer Science My name Please bring your exercise book to every lesson and also make sure that all your notes are neat and tidy
COMPUTER SYSTEMS What is a computer system? Can you identify any in this classroom? How can you define a computer system?
COMPUTER SYSTEMS - DEFINITION At its most basic level a computer system can be looked at as no more than: 1.Input 2.Process 3.Storage 4.Output
DEFINITION – IN A DIAGRAM! InputProcessOutput Storage
HOMEWORK – RAM AND SECONDARY STORAGE On A3, create a display that explains the profess of data being transferred from the hard drive (secondary storage), through the RAM and into the CPU. Use an analogy such as vehicles to explain this Label each component and add a short sentence describing it DUE: Weds 8 th October