CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group1 Half-stave assembly Gluing procedure & glue characteristics Status of dummy components
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group2 Half-stave assembly Carrier Bus MCM+ optical fiber Ladder 1 Extender Bus Gluing A Gluing B Carbon fiber sector Gluing C Ladder 2 - Schematic view of half-stave components and assembling - Draft version of a Glue Requirement Document ready Grounding Foil
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group3 Gluing A MCM and Ladders to Carrier-bus Electrical insulating Thermal conductive Removable ? Proper gluing underneath wire bonding pads and module planarity Elasticity modulus to reduce mechanical stress No Pressure required for gluing Max cure temperature <100°C Thickness < 100 µm Gluing A: glue characteristics Carrier Bus Ladder 2 Ladder 1 MCM+ optical fiber Extender Bus
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group4 Gluing A Assembly procedure Step 2-A1 glue deposition layer Step 1-Alignment Step 3- Carrier-bus + A support alignment and contact Multilayer Carrier-bus + A support Ladder 2Ladder 1 MCM
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group5 Step 4- A support separation and A2 glue layer deposition Extender (LV & Bias) Supporto B Step 6- B support clumping Ladder2 Ladder1 MCM Optical fiber Multilayer Carrier bus Extender (LV & Bias) Multilayer Carrier bus Extender (LV & Bias) Step 5- Extender alignment and contact
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group6 Gluing B Assembly A to Grounding-foil Electrical conductive Thermal conductive Removable ? Proper gluing on whole interface and good planarity Elasticity modulus to reduce mechanical stress Thickness, temperature step and required pressure as gluing A Glue B characteristics: Currier Bus Grounding Foil MCM + optical fiber Ladder 1 Extender Bus Ladder 2
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group7 Gluing B Assembly A to Grounding-foil Good glue control to avoid FE chip wet (bumps and pads) possible solution (under-filling, mechanical protection …..) Grounding-foil equipped with sensor temperature ? (1 for FE chip) To be studied
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group8 Gluing C Half-stave to Sector Electrical insulating Thermal conductive Extremely smooth for a good thermal coupling Good gluing rigidity for a good clamping between the half-stave and carbon fiber sector Necessary removable for reworking Glue A characteristics: Padova competence
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group9 Glue Overview
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group10 Thermoplastic films Cookson (Staystic)
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group11 Dummies production status for glue test Ladders MCM ? Carrier bus Extender Bus Grounding foil several glass samples 150 and 300 μm thick silicon sensor ladders 300 μm thick + FE chips 750 μm thick multilayer Al foils ordered AP 9121 ( kapton foil 50 μm thick with a copper layer on each side 35 μm thick) To be defined
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group12 Glass dummies production for glue studies
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group13 Glass dummies production for gluestudies Diamond saw
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group14 Micrometric measurement system Mitutoyo Apex 9166 (Fully dedicated to ALICE- SPD activities) Suitable to be equipped with a Vision Probe device for no-contact measurements in all 3 axis.
CERN SPD meeting, 4/06/2002V. Manzari for Bari SPD-Group15 What next? Define the missing dummies Bump-bonded ladders MCM Grounding foil Contact glue producer Available glues: Araldite 2011, Thermalbond, NEE001……. Next: thermoplastic adhesive films and paste Start a campaign of tests with dummies and different glues