Miley cyrus was originally a disney star from a young age staring in her own programme called 'Hannah Montana'. Disney stars are suppose to be good role models to those of a younger generation and it is known that Miley Cyrus faced a lot of scrutiny for trying to be seen as more mature.
Her single and music video 'We can't Stop' is said to be one of her videos which is focused on her transition into adulthood which is also seen with 'Can't be tamed
As the themes are much more mature. With 'Can't be Tamed' she is seen trapped in a cage and viewed from afar by adults who appear much more sophisticated. As they look down on her she tries to prove she is not some sort of exhibit.
From the beginning of the music video we observe Miley cyrus rebelling when she removes her police tag.
Quick exchanges between shots are used and many different clips are seen which matches the common conventions of typical music videos. These quick jump cuts convey a care free and fun attitude and resemble the fast moving lives of Miley Cyrus and friends
Audience attention is kept due to the weird concepts which are seen throughout. These include smoke machines positioned in the groin area to reinforce the sexual image she is portraying
A man eating a $300 sandwich which shows money is disposable and $300 is nothing to these super rich kids; which also helps to show how much she has developed by becoming more involved with different audiences for example men instead of just young children and how much she has progressed since her 'role model' days.
A man with two tongues is also seen along with a skull made of chips which is latter destroyed showing the aggressive 'don't care' attitude of young adults.
A girl is also seen chopping off fake fingers as pink goo emerges instead of blood.
Dancers are seen wearing massive teddy bear back packs and an animation mouthing lyrics.
A provocative dance move called twerking is seen and in spaghetti alphabets the word 'twerk' is spelt out.
Other strange and weird items are featured in the music video such as taxidermy possums/ ferrets being dragged on a gold chain like they are Miley's pets.
She is also seen holding a unconventional barbie doll that looks like her with a short quiff and fishnet bodysuit she then licks barbies the face
Miley Cyrus and her friends are then seen breaking a piñata and hotdogs and buns fall out. These present Miley Cyrus as quirky and unusual.
Throughout the video Miley Cyrus mimes the lyrics to her song showing she is the singer. She remains the main focus so audiences can understand how much she has grown and matured. In 'We can't stop' we exhibit Miley Cyrus having quite sexual behaviour.
This is seen with her frolicking on the bed in a seductive way and she has a lesbian fight scene which is played in slow motion and she grabs another females breast. This provocative behaviour was probably done to attract a male audience. Furthermore this behaviour is surprising and such a change from her older music so the video will be talked about thus getting it more publicity