Health Care in Cuba Valerie Landau 2015
Life expectancy in Cuba slightly higher than US
Health expenditure per capita
Clinics with a family doctor, nurse and social worker for every 150 families
Most health resources are dedicated to prevention
Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM) largest medical school in the world. 23,000 graduates from Africa, Asia and the Americas since 2005
Cuba received formal validation from PAHO/WHO that it has eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV -June 2015
Cubans lead the fight against Ebola. Over 50,000 Cuban health workers in 65 countries
Cuban drug Heberprot-P treated 165,000 diabetic-foot patients in 26 countries. Reducing relative risk for amputation by 75%
Cubans = 2% of the Latin American population Cubans = 11% of the scientists 100% literacy rate