CANYON SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL Student Expectations Presentation January 2015
LET’S TALK ATTENDANCE Did you know that for every 3 tardies to any class period = 1 absence? The State of California Compulsory Attendance Law states you can have only 10 excused absences a year. - after the 10 th absence, if you are sick you must go to the doctor and get a doctors note that must be turned with in 3 days or that absence is marked unexcused. - excessive absences, meaning more than 10 you and your parent/guardian will receive a SARB letter. This is a district letter, meaning if your attendance does not improve your case will go before the SARB Board (district officials, police, attorney’s, health officials, etc.) and you and your parent/guardian have to explain your absences. - if your attendance still does not improve, your case goes to the District Attorney’s office and your parents are prosecuted financially and with potential jail time for extreme cases or if your family cannot pay the fine.
SKATEBOARD POLICY We have a new skateboard rack in the bike rack area? You need to bring your own lock to lock it up We have ordered a top to go on-top of the fenced in area No riding on campus for Safety reasons for everyone
DISCIPLINE… Verbal warning Teacher Detentions- either lunch or after school Administrative Detentions- During Lunch or After School, generally 1 hour Wednesday School- 2 hours on Wednesday’s Saturday School- 4 hours on a Saturday Suspension- fights, drug paraphanalia, drugs, dangerous objects, theft, etc. Expulsion- arson, weapons, terroristic threats
WHAT IS EXPECTED OF ME AT CSHS? Canyon Springs High School students, staff, and parents will work together to maximize academic achievement and good citizenship by creating an environment where all students take responsibility for their own learning with active support from staff and parents. Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Ready to Learn
WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE TO BE RESPECTFUL? In class, being respectful means using an inside voice, waiting your turn, and using kind words and actions. Actions like raising your hand for the teacher Actions like making eye contact with the teacher to let them know you have a question, not yelling across the room. Being on time to class Putting phones away
WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE TO BE RESPECTFUL? In the restrooms, it means to value privacy and property. In the lunch line, being respectful is waiting your turn in line, respecting others’ space, and using appropriate volume. Overall, when you are being respectful, you should use kind words and actions, use appropriate volume, address others respectfully, and respect others’ space and belongings.
BE RESPONSIBLE… In the classroom, Be organized and efficient Do your best work Bring appropriate materials Take care of learning materials and school property Phones are put away Be on time to class.
BE RESPONSIBLE… In the lunch line, use only your own lunch number, eat only your own food, walk don’t run, clean up your space and keep CSHS clean. In the restrooms, throw away your trash, flush properly, and wash your hands.
BE RESPONSIBLE… Overall, being responsible means that you need to… Be accountable for your own actions Do your part to maintain a positive learning environment Do your part to keep our campus clean Keep your phones in backpacks or pockets until teacher is ready to use it in class Be on time to class
WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE TO BE READY TO LEARN? In the classroom, ready to learn means - Eyes and ears on designated speaker - Ask for help when needed - Complete all homework and class work on time - Be on time in your seat before the tardy bell rings Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! Dr. Seuss
WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE TO BE READY TO LEARN? During passing period, it means to Use the restroom during passing period not when the tardy bell rings Be a self- starter Be on time, in your seat, with materials out Put your phone away unless your teacher says to keep them out to use
READY TO LEARN… In the restrooms, ready to learn means that you respect other classrooms as you walk, return promptly, and use appropriate volume. In the lunch line, it means that you line up patiently, listen for directions from cafeteria workers or other supervisors, and use the restroom during your lunch period not when the tardy bell rings.
READY TO LEARN… Overall, being ready to learn at CSHS means that you… Bring Materials to school daily Begin assignments promptly Ask questions and clarify what you don’t understand Stay on topic during class Be On Time to Every Class Every Day
WHAT’S IN THIS FOR STUDENTS? Fewer discipline referrals if you meet expectations Positive encouragement, phone calls home, and letters home Student of the month celebrations Other activities and rewards I would like other ideas from you, when you see me on campus stop me and give me an idea